Chapter 21: The Beginning Of The End

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A few hours later......

Ains: Alright, we will now begin Shalltears resurrection. Albedo, watch her name on the list.

All of us gathered around in the Treasury of Nazarick. All of the floor guardians were present, the battle Pleiades, along with me, Ains, and Pandora's Actor.

I stood next to Ains. Verinx stood oddly close to me.

Pandora's Actor doesn't stand close to Ains.....

Ains: If her name still pops up as a enemy player......

Demiurge: Lord. We will handle it this time.

Ains: Demiurge.....

Demiugre: Allowing to supreme ones to face any more danger is the most foolish decision.

Albedo: If Shalltear continues to revolt against us, we will be here opponent. Please, stepl down lord.

I put my hand on Ains's shoulder.

Sonus: We'll leave it to you all to protect us.

They bowed.

Albedo: Lord A- Lords, you just have to be by our side. If all of the Supreme beings are gone, to whom can we pledge our fidelity to? And, even if we know we weren't tossed aside, it is lonely if no one is here.

Ains: ah, yes. It is quite lonely.  Now, lets begin. Guardians, protect us!

Everyone: Yes!

It will cost 500 million gold to revive Shalltear. This isn't s small thing. We will be severely hurt by this.....

Ains held the Staff of Ains Ooal Gown high and said the words.

Ains: Shalltear. Resurrect!

The gold around the room shook. It started to melt into a huge batch of liquid. All of it moved to the center of the room right past our feet. It congregated into a central point. I could start to faintly make out a body from all of the gold.

Soon, the silky hair of Shalltear formed. And after that, her face. Then the rest of her body. She had formed in the center of the room, collapsed and naked.

We all stared, waiting for something to happen.

It seems wrong staring at her naked body when shes asleep.....wait, that because it is messed up.

Ains: Alebdo?

Alebdo: Please be at ease. It seems shes back to normal.

Ains: I see.

I couldn't stand looking at her like this anymore. I reached out and made a small portal. I put my hand inside and pulled out a cloth. I floated over to her and gently tossed it down onto her body.

I turned to return to Ains's side, but just as I did I heard a voice.

???: :Lord Sonus?

I turned back around and leaned down to face Shalltear. She was awake and looked up at me. I looked to Ains for help, but he didn't even give me a motion. I sighed internally.

I guess I should make sure shes okay.....

I lifted her body in my arms carefully and wrapped the cloth around her.

Sonus: Shalltear, are you alright?

Shalltear: Lord Sonus? I have no idea whats going on, but I am thankful that you care for me.....!

She grabbed onto my robes, near where my ears would be.


Shalltear: So this is where my first time will be!

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