Intermission- Runaway Property

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A fire was lit brightly in the middle of a camp. tents were stationed around the fire and beyond into the surrounding woods. Bandits walked through the area, laughing and smiling as they continued there work.

One man held a paper in his hand. he walked through the camp with a air of honor. These thieves didn't respect him much, but he was the second in command of there forces.

His name to these people was simply Lance. he was older, in his thirties. he had short, dark brown hair. he was bulky and one of the strongest members of there group. His clothes were decent for a bandit. He showed no emotion as he walked through the camp.

He reached a tent and walked through. It was dark inside, with barley any light.

Another man stood inside looking at a table. Behind the table sat a monster. Its voice was deep and rough.

???: Tell that Noble we can sell as many as needed. But, they must pay the correct price. understood?

Man: yes!

As soon as the man left the tent, the creatures two blue eyes turned to focus on Lance

The figure behind the table set his hands on the table in a relaxed manner. each hand had three, war torn fingers. Each sharp and deadly.

???: Idiots, am I right? I have to do everything..... of course, you help to Lancer.

Lance was annoyed with the name given to him,but ignored it.

Lance: Arken sir, Eight fingers request our help with new slaves in the city.

The creature, now known as Arken, waved his hand in a annoyed manner

Arken: yes, send some men with a carriage. ten should do. Any race, I presume?

Lance: Yes. But, they also report the slave we had presumed missing has been spotted.

One of his hands curled into a fist at the mention of a escaped slave.

Arken: The noble girl?

Lance: yes. But they also report she has been traveling with a strong adventurer group.

Arekn: When you say strong, it mist be.

The creature thought for a moment, then stood. It towered over Lance and almost brought the tent down.

Arken: I will go as well. I need to discuss things with those fingers anyways.

It grabbed its magical weapon. A mace with any enchantments and started to move. The creature walked around the table and stepped forward to the entrance. Its two large feet made sounds as they moved against the ground. It paused right before leaving, turning to look at Lance.

Its face was twisted and sickening. It had two large blue eyes, and under them, two smaller blue eyes. It looked more reptilian then human, with a scale like armor covering its body. Teeth poked out of its mouth as it spoke.

Arken: Be ready to move if needed. Oh, and prepare a extra small cage for the girl when I return. And of curse your in charge until I return. You remember the drills?

Lance: of course. "If called for with a spell, come quickly. By message, send help but no army"

Arken: Yes, perfect.

He left the tent. Lance turned back and walked to the chair with Arken sat moments ago. He looked down, disgusted. He grabbed a cloth and placed it over the seat. Then gently sat down. For the first time in a while he smiled.

Lance: Me in this chair, as it should be.....

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