Intermission: A Hero Rises

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The Dragon Lord sat patiently as the old friend in front of him spoke. His words were as bold and honest as always. The person standing in front of him had been this way since he was young. The two had known each other for years. In some ways, they were extremely close.

They spoke in the Dragon Lords Chamber. It was huge and beautiful. It was also full of treasures.

The young man before him spoke to him as if they were family. To the boy, it must have felt like it.

???: That is why I am here. You've felt it too?

Platinum Dragon Lord: Indeed. this power is the same as so long ago...

???: Please, allow me to use the weapons of power to vanquish this evil!

Platinum Dragon Lord: The weapons I possess are strong. The greatest in the world. No normal person can control them.

???: We both know I'm not normal.

Platinum Dragon Lord: Perhaps. But, I will not allow you to merely take them. You must prove your worth with one such item.

???: I want the sword.

Platinum Dragon Lord: The sword? Very well. I do not give these items lightly. You will train here with me for a short while before you set off.

???: But, my party-

Platinum Dragon Lord: They may come train as well. But only you may have an item.

???: Fine.

Platinum Dragon Lord: Very well.

A light appeared in front of him. The sword now floated in place. It was shiny and had light blue words written in a foreign language written across its side. The boy reached for it and instantly the light died.

Platinum Dragon Lord: Now, shall we train?

????: Of course.

The two began there training. That day, though none knew  of him yet, the world had received a hero.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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