V2 Chapter 8- Ruin Meets Rose

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Minor update: the cover has been remade and I adjusted a few things (spelling errors etc.) in the story. But anyways, sorry for the confusion and let's continue!

Team Ruin arrived at the bar "The Fighting Lion" that afternoon just as the sun had started to set.

They entered and looked around. Tables were scattered across the area. A large bar was placed in the back. Huge jugs of hats Specter assumed was beer lined the wall behind the bar.

The Bar was loud with excitement, as per usual with places like this. This time, the voices seemed to be coming from a few groups.

Most were more quiet, but the first group closest to the door spoke out the loudest.

This groups was a man, he was drunk obviously. And a Knight in beautiful gray armor sat next to him.

Knight: Lord Ryou, please we must be going! Your making a scene.

The drunk man laughed at the knights comment.

Ryou: I'm not making a scene YOU ARE! HA! GOTCHA!

The knight sighed and grabbed him. While the man yelled for him to stop, the knight walked to the door. He passed Team Ruin and nodded.

Knight: Sorry about the noise, enjoy your meal.........

He left the bar, but the man could still be heard. Specter believed he heard the man scream about lizards?

Huh, Odd group....

He looked around the room for Blue Rose. As he was searching, a woman walked up to him. She looked at his team. She saw Nocmore and stared down Specter

???: Are you team Ruin?

Specter: indeed.

???: We're in the back.

She guided us to a back table. It was a sizable table with enough seats for both teams. those who were Blue Rose sat at the end.

First, there was a huge woman in armor. She smiled and held a huge jug of beer in her hand. Her armor was dark purple.

Next, the woman who guided them to the table and another. They had to be twins, they looked the same except for there armor colors. One was Red, While the other was blue. both had there hair tied up at the top.

A figure sat next to them. They wore a mask with a red jewel in it. They also wore a red hood.

Finally, a woman sat at the other end of the table. She had blonde hair, and wore the most knight like armor of them all. She had a huge purple sword holstered at her side. She smiled as they approached.

???: So, your the new adamanite team, Ruin?

Specter: Indeed.And you are Blue Rose?

???: yes. But, Where are my manners? I am Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra. The masked one is our caster, Evileye, the two who look similar are Tia and Tina, and the other is Gagaran.

They each waved and nodded at there names being mentioned.

Specter: yes, we are team Ruin. I am Specter, The woman next to me is Del, my companion. We also have my hooded friend Noc, and the young girl is Mrs. Grace Clair. Ah, and my bird is named Vor.

The quiet one, Evileye, spoke up.

Evileye: Your hooded friend isn't exactly human, are they? what race is it?

Specter was shocked she could tell without looking at his face at all. He had been trying to avoid the conversation, but turned to Noc. he nodded, and Noc removed his hood. His mask and small antlers seemed to shock them.

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