Update: Back In Business!

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The camera once again enters through a wooden door. Inside we are greeted with the same library- like room. But, unlike before, the place seems stuffed.

Books are on the floor, the fireplace is barely lit, and the leather chair were our author once sat is now facing the wall.

We get closer to the chair. Suddenly, we hear muttering. 

"To many....."

We get closer

"How can I appease..."

We float right behind the chair. It swings around, and it is empty.

Puzzled, we look around the room for the voice. On the opposite side of the room, a red light glistened from under a pile of books and paper. We move over to that light.


The pile starts to shake as a mushroom appears. The light from before was one of many red spheres lining its head.

" Ah, uh, Hi! I wasn't expecting guests....."

He hurries past us back to the chair from earlier. He sighs and sits down. A tentacle goes up to his head, like he's thinking.

Suddenly, he looks to the chairs side and grabs something off the floor. It appears to be a book. He stares for a moment, then turns to face us.

"Y-yes. Hello everyone. Its me. I'm back. I needed to take a break for a while. And, well, as you can tell, i'm not 100% back together."

His tentacle motions around the room.

"Well, I could tell you all why I left for a while, but lets just leave it at I was burned out and uhh....."

He motions for us to come closer.

"Some peoples reactions to things made me feel like I needed to practice a bit."

He motions for us to back up.

"But, were back! And I see there's a lot more of you....."

His red spots almost grow as he see's the views and followers hes gained over the months.

"Welp, that's a lot. O-of course i'm grateful! But, listen...."

He bows.

"I'm going to try even harder to get better at writing, and i'm going to try my best to bring back this series. along with others!"

A ruby light glows from a nearby shelf.

"Ah yes. Also, ive started development on my own original content. All I can say for now is, well, it WILL be a fantasy type story."

We still float.

"Ah, I guess you guys wanna see things instead, huh? well. Lets focus on our Boy Sonus for now-"

A book shakes nearby. We turn to see a leather gray book. Smoke seems to ooze from it. It continues to shake at the mention of "Sonus"

"Glad I locked it... But anyways....."

He stands and bows.


He stands back up and sighs.

"Well, that's it for now. until next time I gotta fix this place...."

We slowly back up and leave the house. The door slowly closes for us as we exit back out into the world.

Seriously Guys, Thanks so much for all the support! I'm sorry for the break, but this happens sometimes (If you've been here a while you know) But anyways, I hope you guys continue to support me, and I hope I can keep you all entertained!



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