V2- Chapter 12- Preparations For The Battle

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Specter ran through the city following the guard. Vor flew above and Del right behind. The guard guided them through the street, taking short cuts to make it to the castles ground where the meeting was taking place.

As they arrived at the gates to the castle, a huge fire broke out in the distance. It grew higher and higher. And it covered a whole part of the city in the distance.
When Specter saw this, he paused.

What the..... is that a fire wall spell?

The Guard seemed frozen as well. He stopped moving and looked up in awe at the wall that had emerged in the distance. Snapping back into reality, Specter and Del moved past him into the castle grounds. Bot quickly landed back on Specters shoulder.

When inside, it seemed like all the adventurers in the city were here. Everyone was scattered, now either speaking in groups or looking up at the wall.

Great.... now what do I do?

He took a guess and went out to the main tent. when he entered, he saw a massive table. It spanned the whole tent. On one side, Princess Renner stood next to Gazef Stronoff looking at a map. He walked forward.

Specter: Princess, i'm here as requested.

Renner: Thank you for arriving, Hero Specter. I had originally wanted you to help in the raids on Eight Fingers, but this matter is much more urgent.

Gazef looked at his group and gave a confused look.

Gazef: If I remember correctly, there were four of you. Where is the rest of your team?

He came up with something not entirely incorrect.

Specter: Out helping the people of the city. I sent them out as I saw the wall.

Gazeff: Thank you, I wish they were here now though.

Renner: If only we knew what was happening.....

Lakyus of Blue Rose entered the tent. Behind her was Evileye, her teammate.

Lakyus: Princess Renner, Gazeff, Specter and Del, I wish our greetings were better, but the situation is dire. Evileye says she knows what has caused the wall.

Evileye: It was a demon, named Jaldabaoth! Lord Momon of Darkness fought it with all his might, but it fled into the fire.

The name Momon caught Specter of guard.

Ains is here?

As he started to realize what that meant, He was snapped back into reality

Renner: How strong is the Demon?

Evileye: At least 100.

Lakyus: Are you sure?!

Evileye: That's my best guess.

Renner: Call the adventurers in. Lets explain the situation.

As adventurers piled in,Specter waited for Momon. They stood by the entrance, and when he finally appeared, Specter moved to grab his attention.

But, Evileye stood with him. She noticed Specter look at Ains and took the opportunity.

Evileye: Ah, lord Momon! Have you met Lord Specter?

The two warriors faced each other. They nodded and shook hands.

Momon: Yes, we have met before.

Quick me! just play along!

Specter: Yes! How many years ago was it? It seems like forever. I see you travel with Naber-

Momon: Ah, yes. Nabe. And you travel with Delt-

Specter: Del.

Momon: I see. Oh, nice bird.

Vor cawed loudly as he was recognized.

Nabe and Del nodded to each other, smiling.

Evileye: Yes, he fought on the same level as the Demon Jaldabaoth and survived! It was truly amazing!

Momon: Yes, but Lord Specter here could have done the same.

Lakyus: Truly?

Lakyus walked over to the group. She stood next to Specter while Evileye stood next to Momon, both mirroring each other.

Evileye: Surely you jest! No one can match your power.

Specter: I am strong, but i'm not sure about your level.

Momon: Are you kidding? I heard of your adventure against the undead bird in the city. Also, how you slew a witch in the woods. Both worthy of Adamanite and a hard task for us both.

Lakyus: As much as I would like to know who is stronger, everyone is now here, come join the meeting to plan against the demon.

We joined the group at the table. We stood next to Renner and Gazeff. As they explained our plan of defense and attack, Specter toned it out for the most part until he was mentioned.

Renner: While Team Darkness and Evileye go for the demon, Blue Rose and Team Ruin will hold the outskirts and try to push back the demons forces as best they can.

Lakyus: Remember, the demon is in fact powerful. It badly hurt two of my teammates.

The adventurers agreed, but the power of Jaldabaoth scared them.

Evileye: Fear not, for we have a warrior who can face the monster! Lord Momon of Darkness!

Ains looked up and nodded then looked back down at the map.

Lakyus: and Master Specter of team Ruin.

Specter panicked and gave a wave to the adventurers.

a man spoke from the crowd.

Adventurer: Why not send them both at the same time then?!

Lakyus: In case lord Momon fails, Master Specter will move in to finish it off. Now, are we ready?!

The warriors cheered in agreement.

Renner: We will move shortly, be ready!

Everyone moved back outside the tent, including Specter and Momon. They met up away from the others and tried to hide from Evileye.

Momon: all going well?

Specter: Yes, but what is the plan exactly?

Momon: Demiurge is a distraction, I believe. that's about all I have gotten right now.

Specter: I see. will you be fine with him in the fire wall?

Momon: It should be fine. After all, all according to plan, huh?

Specter: I suppose.

There conversation was cut off there when Evileye found him. She started to ask him questions and he gave lazy answers. Specter walked off with Del saying goodbye to Nabe for now.

Well, here we go... into the battle.

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