Chapter 9- Journey To The West

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The counter of the shop was loud with laughter and smiles as the afternoon started. The bartenders laughed at the jokes of the customers as they gave out drinks. People walked up to the counter and received jobs. Others created groups, it was a normal day for the people of the border city of E-Rantels adventurers guild.

Suddenly, the wooden doors to the guild hall opened loudly. The laughs stopped and everyone focused there attention on the entrance. There stood a group of people.

The group was led by a someone in a huge set of armor. It looked expensive. A red cape flew over there side. It looked like royal knight armor, but it gave off the feeling of death.

The next to come through was to his right, the warrior was obviously a male, he was shorter than the black knight and his armor was more slender. It looked like it was made of a black metal, yet it looked light. They wore a long, black cap with purple outlining on there back. There helmet looked like a contraption. It was like a knights helm, but in the place of the eyes was a awkward headset of some sort. The mouth hole was shaped like a V.

The other two at the back of the group were both women. They wore cloaks that looked brand new. Each looked breathtaking. One of the women had black hair put back into a ponytail.
The other had long orange hair, it covered one of her eyes.

The two knights turned to each other and spoke, but were still the center of attention even as they acted normal.

The knights chatted for a few moments, then they shook each other's hand.The smaller knight walked away with the orange haired girl behind him. While the other stayed behind with the other women.

They turned towards the receptionist. As they walked towards her, the tension in the air grew. The knight was the first to speak.

knight: Hello. We are here to become adventurers.

I walked into a small shop down the street of the adventurers guild. Me, Ains, and two of the battle maid Pleiades's came to this city.

Ains had found out about the small border town from the Chief of Carne village. We both came up with a great idea. We decided in order to learn more about this world, we would have to blend in.

We decided to become adventures. To do that, we need to hide our faces. Ains decided it would be best to limit our abilities as well. So, we had to change our classes.

He changed to warrior. He wore a bulky set of black armor I had never seen before. He looked really intimidating.

I changed to a hunter. I wore a cloth like armor with a cape. I decided to put my old helmet on from my early days of YGGDRASIL as well.

Me and the maid that came with me, Delta, just dropped off Ains and Naberal at the adventurers guild. Me and Ains decided to split up to gather more information. Well, I actually wanted to. Ains wasn't to happy about it at first.

Me and Delta were going to leave this city and head west, towards the capital. We were going to learn as much as we could from there.

This was a alternative goal for heading to the capital.

It was that Ains an I weren't sure who we could trust in Nazarick yet, and both Shalltear and Sebas were stationed in the capital.

The two of them were alerted I would be arriving later and seemed fine with it. It made me feel a little uneasy how calm they both acted when they were alerted, but I brushed the thought away.

Me and Delta entered a small building on the corner of a street. It looked old and shabby, but, after asking around, this was the best place to go if you wanted to leave town. They offered the best transport, for the right price.

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