69 Freckles.

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Being in a real bed with Bellamy, safe from the grounders seemed like a dream to you

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Being in a real bed with Bellamy, safe from the grounders seemed like a dream to you. But today it came true. You both sat facing each other. You sat in between his legs that were sprawled over his small bed. Your legs bent over his like hills encasing him into you. He spoke.

"I just want to save whoever's in Mount Weather," Bellamy simpered lovingly, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.

Maybe it was the way he pulled you back into bed, or maybe it was the way he smiled. Nevertheless, Bellamy had found a way to get you to skip your duties and stay with him in bed.

"So you're making me skip detail to save people in mount weather?" You joked.

"No," He grinned. "I'm making you skip work so I can say goodbye before I leave to save the people in Mount Weather. Which in part, helps me save them." You moved your hands to his face, he closed his eyes at the contact taking in the moment.

Your hands were soft and warm on his face, on his chest, under the covers, under the table in the dining hall. Your fingertips we're like matches, grazing the lace of his skin with a flame. Still, you both sat facing each other.

"How did you convince me to do this?" You asked rhetorically, quietly laughing in his ear. "I should be with Abby right now, doing my apprenticeship." Your warm breath tickled his ear, but he liked the sensation. Bellamy's lips crept into another grin.

"Because I have too much charm," Bellamy chuckled. Your eyes widened.

"That's why Clarke hated you at first right?" You joked with him. He shook his head with a smile on his face.

Out of everything you guys ever did, it was looking in his eyes you loved the most. That's all you'd ever needed to connect, only the eyes, and with no words, your love would be the same. He loved to touch you— not in a sexual way. Never anywhere that wasn't your face, your hands, or your hair that fell in tousled locks.

His hands ran through your hair and down towards the crook of your nose and over your lips. He admired you like any boy would.

"You know you have a scar right here," You observed. "Right above your neck and under your chin; unnoticeable." You lifted his jaw and looked at it. "Very faint." He chuckled at your observation.

"I wonder who gave me that?" He replied playfully. You looked at Bellamy, slapping him in the chest softly.

"If you're saying it's me, I certainly don't remember any such thing." He looked at you, cocking an eyebrow.

"Than let me show, maybe then you might remember." And so he leaned into your neck and began kissing your shoulder, leaving trails of hot kisses and cold shadows where his mouth once was. It traveled to your collar bones, biting and sucking on the areas Bellamy thought was fit. Then, he traveled up to your neck, and even higher, just below your chin were you felt a little sting.

"Bell," you hummed at him, as you both let laughter flow out of your throats. He smiled. "That hurt a little," You smirked. "I liked it."

"Than you could see why I liked it," He shrugged. There was silence for a second. "Anyways the point of that was to get you to remember. Do you remember now?" He asked you with a smile. You grinned.

"No, but if you would like to try again I would be up for it." he laughed at your attempt.

"I would rather not, but we can do other things," He simpered as he traced invisible tattoos onto your neck.

"Bell you have so many freckles, like, a lot." He rolled his eyes and ran his hands up your bare thighs.

"Anything else that you want to make known about my appearance?" You nodded vigorously.

"You have..." you trailing off counting the freckles on his face, rubbing the pad of your thumb of his face to keep track. "One, two, three..." You mumbled under your breath. And once you got to his last tiny freckle, he spoke.

"You have 15 freckles on your arm."

"You have 69 freckles on your face, counting the very small ones." You beamed back at him. "And it seems that I can count far faster than you if you got 15 freckles in the time I got 69."

"69?" He smirked, raising his eyebrow. "I think my freckles are telling us something Y/N." You laughed at him hitting in the chest softly again.

"Bell you're leaving soon, we can't," You nuzzled your face in the crook of your neck.

"Oh c'mon Y/N, even if I wasn't leaving you would have never done it," He bet.

"Oh, wanna bet Blake?" You looked up at him, moving your face to look at him.

"You wouldn't," He called your bluff.

"Oh, I would." He quickly leaned in kissing you. It felt like the whole world fell away. Like the outside world was slowly melting away like snow and all was left was you and Bell. His kiss was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested on your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breaths mingled. Your fingers knotted in his hair your other hand pushed his back closer to you. As if there was any more room to close— there wasn't. You lost your breath fast, it took a lot from you to kiss him like you had. Now you knew that you had to do it with him. And you weren't complaining.
"Look at this," Bellamy hummed "You're supposed to be at work but instead you're doing me." He kissed you once more. "Be prepared," He warned. "This is gonna be one hell of a goodbye."


Author: thehundrd

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