"You're Not Going Out Like That."

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To say the least, it was accurate to say that you and Bellamy had a  love-hate relationship. It was also accurate to say that you both had  feelings for each other. However, you were both to haughty to ever admit  it to each other. So, to release the sexual tension, you were mean to  each other instead. It wasn't like you absolutely hated each other,  because, that in itself would be very fallacious. It was that there was  no other way to act on your feelings than be utterly obnoxious.

The  love part in your relationship came from the occasional ass slap or the  pull of your ponytail as you walked by. All this, of course, was to be  paired with this his infamous smirk. And sometimes the flirting would  get so out of hand that even the other 99 criminals there would have to  tell you guys to stop. But nonetheless, that didn't stop you two from  getting on everyone's nerves, including your own.

Tonight was a  night of celebration. You all had worked hard putting up the wall that  Bellamy, Clarke, You decided needed to be put up that is made no sense  not to give a night of recklessness. With Monty's moonshine, the  abundance of water, and some actual food it really had been a great time  to party.

It had been a long day with Clarke with you both  working hard to ensure the safety of the camp. But it was especially  harder to see Bellamy with a blonde girl by his side every five minutes.  It especially didn't help when you saw them enter his tent together.

You  weren't too envious, you were never the person to get jealous of  people. It was only when Bellamy mutually did something with someone  that made you feel jealous. So when thirty minutes passed and then they  finally walked out together, Bellamy's hair skewed and his shirt  wrinkled you were angry. You had known what they had been doing, you  didn't know the extent of it, but you certainly had an idea. It had been  a miracle when Monty came and sat down next to you for comedic relief.

"Need any help?" The boy asked with a smile, you looked at him and sighed, laughing shortly after.

"What am I to do, Monty?" He chuckled taking a swig of his moonshine and pushing it into your chest.

"Drink."  So you did, you took a gulp of his substance and felt the burn on the  back of your throat. He spoke again. "Beat him at his own game, Y/N." He  chortled. "You're pretty, the guy's like you. Win the game."

It  was then that he hopped off the log and stalked off over to his friends.  You glanced at him momentarily watching him smirk at you and nod his  head towards Bellamy who was walking over to your log. He was nearly  twenty-five feet away when you decided to get to amble over to an  attractive boy on another log who was talking to his friends.

You  took the initiative and landed right on his lap holding out your bottle  of alcohol. He wrapped his arms around your torso winking at his friend.  You glanced over at Bellamy watching him stop in his track and stare at  you both. You laughed at the boy as he talked, nuzzling your nose over  his.

"Let's go." You looked up half-heartedly at Bellamy. His eyes  narrowed at your sitting figure and his jaw clenched. "Let's go Y/N."

The  boy was the first to speak as his eyebrows furrowed. "We're busy  Bellamy." The boy was brave, but maybe slightly ignorant to what he just  got into to.

"Excuse me?" Bellamy fumed as he looked down still.  The camp has gone slightly quieter people still talked but most of them  at their attention on the encounter in front of the fire. "I don't think  you have room to talk when I saved you from a grounder, buddy." You had  gotten up along with the boy and stood behind the man you decided to  make Bellamy jealous with.

Bellamy reached out grabbing your arm and pulling you into his chest.

"What the hell-" He reached for your shoulder.

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