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*Third Person POV*

"Fuck you're stunning." Bellamy sucked at Y/N's neck and marked her with a very large, clearly visible hickey. His lips trailed over her stomach and down to her thighs. He licked a stripe over the fabric of her panties and she moaned his name, loudly.

"Keep it down my beautiful girl." She did as Bellamy told her to and bit the inside of her cheek.

Bellamy slipped his hands into the hemline of Y/N's panties and slowly pulled them off her body. The girl was anxious, eager to explore Bellamy Blake's body with her hands. She has before, a bunch of times in fact. Every time they have sex, something new is introduced, explored. Each time feels like the first.

"You're already soaked, babe. All ready for me." Bellamy's hand immediately flew to her clit and started to slowly rub. Y/N moaned and pushed her head back further into her pillow. She had thought about this all day, and Bellamy sensed it.

"You've been thinking about this, about me fucking you all day, huh?" Y/N nodded. She propped herself up on her elbows as Bell groaned when her hand flew to palm his crotch. She could feel his pants tightening and she suppressed her moans as Bell kept generously rubbing her bundle of nerves.

"Please Bell. I need this." Y/N practically sobbed and begged Bellamy to give her what she had wanted. Before she could get any more words out, Bellamy forcefully thrusted in to her surprise. He drew out and back in at a growing pace. The speed picked up and Y/N was a writhing mess underneath him.

"Bell. I-I'm gonna cum." Her breaths became short and more erratic.

"Let go for me, princess. Come on." Y/N finally let go and Bellamy pulled out. He released over her stomach and flopped down next to the hyperventilating girl. They were both breathing heavily for about 5 minutes. Y/N turned to face Bellamy and propped herself up on her elbows. She stared into Bell's dark eyes. She secretly admired every characteristic. They way his freckles were peppered across his face, the adorable scar above his upper lip.

Y/N knew she had to leave before she confessed her feelings. It would either change her life for the better, or the worst. Expressing how she felt would possibly destroy her relationship with Bellamy and that's the last thing Y/N wanted. Long story short, she collected her clothes from the ground and started to get dressed. Before Bellamy could process what she was doing, his tent was hollow. He was confused as to why Y/N left so soon. He would ask her in the morning. All Bell could comprehend at the moment was his exhaustion.

*Y/N's POV*

While last night was certainly one to remember, I couldn't stay any longer or i'd give up everything I had to Bellamy. He couldn't know about my feelings for him or i'd risk losing what we had already.

It was early the next morning, only Raven, Clarke, and Octavia were up at this hour. They were most definitely together talking somewhere, for this was all the free time they'd get during their time on the ground. I thought some company would clear my mind of the thoughts of loneliness I was feeling lately.

Sure enough, I had found them on the top level of the drop ship, talking away about memories on the Ark. I climbed up the ladder and opened the hatch. They all looked in my direction and greeted me warmly. Octavia moved over so I could grab a spot to sit down next to her. She offered me some water and berries, which I gratefully accepted.

Thankfully, nobody had asked me about my encounter with Bellamy. I had only listened in to their conversation and made some short comments here and there. About an hour later, everyone started to file out of the drop ship and get started on the days work. I was the last one to climb down to the lower level. Just as I was turning to walk out, Clarke stopped me. She gripped my wrist and tugged back softly to let me know she wanted to talk.

"Is everything alright between you and Bellamy?" I nodded and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She continued, "A couple of the delinquents noticed you coming out of his tent every so often, and-"

"Everything is fine, Clarke." With that said, I walked out of the drop ship and started walking to my watch post.

*Bellamy's POV*

I was confused as to why Y/N left my tent so fast the other night. I still hadn't worked up the courage to ask her about it. If I showed that I cared, she may think I wanted more than what we had, which might've scared her away. I'm not sure of what we are anyway. I don't think she knows either.

As I woke up the next day, I stretched, put on some clothes, and walked out of my tent. Nearly half the camp was already up and working. I quietly searched for Y/N, but I didn't spot her. She might've been in the drop ship with Clarke. That's where I go to first.

Once I reach the ramp leading to the drop ship, I look around to notice eyes observing me closely. Some delinquents seem like they're silently judging me. I stare daggers into a couple of their gazes and they look away. When I approach Clarke in med bay, she waves me over to where she's standing. I walk over to her as she finishes bandaging up a kid who scraped his arm while lifting a log the wrong way. As he leaves, I begin to speak when Clarke raises a hand telling me to stop.

"Something is going on between you and Y/N. You think I don't know you have feelings for her? It's obvious. The way you look at her, how overprotective you get when she tries to leave with the hunting groups." Once I was sure she was done, I told her everything. How I felt about Y/N, how I didn't know what to do next.

"I don't know what we are. I'm pretty sure she thinks we're friends with benefits right now. I don't want to scare her by telling her how I truly feel. What we have is good right now, and even the slightest thing may destroy our relationship or whatever you want to call it." Clarke nodded in agreement.

"Just tell her how you feel, Bellamy. I'm sure she feels the same way about you." My eyes widened at that statement, and hope flooded my mind. If only Y/N felt the same way, everything would be fine.

More than fine. Everything would be perfect. She's perfect.

*Third Person*

Later that day, Bellamy approached Y/N at her watch post. He gained some more confidence after Clarke told him that a relationship could be a possibility between the two of them. Y/N looked tired and stressed. If this were any other day, Bellamy would suggest relieving some of that tension, but now was not the time.

"Y/N?" She turned to come face-to-face with Bellamy, a weak smile tugging at her lips. "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay. Just a little tired. Haven't had a break in hours." Y/N turned her head back around to stare at the darkness that seemed to consume her and her thoughts most nights.

"I wanted to talk with you before you went to bed if that's okay." Bellamy seemed a little reluctant to tell Y/N about how he felt, but he was already in too deep to turn back now.

"Sure Bell. Tell me anything." Bell walked up to her side and she faced him, eyes wide.

"I don't know what we are and I don't think you know either. All I do know is that I can't and won't survive without you. You're everything to me and I can't sleep at night with you thinking I don't care about you, because I do. This may ruin everything we have, but I think i'm falling in love with you, Y/N." By now, Y/N was standing beside Bellamy in complete shock. Never in one million years would she have thought that the infamous Bellamy Blake would be into her.

No words needed to be said from there. Y/N walked towards Bellamy and cupped his face. She pulled him down to meet her lips in a passionate, loving kiss. That was all he needed to know that she felt the same way.


Author: bellamyblakemorley

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