Bellamy's Secrets.

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It was rearing the time of the 100's departure from The Ark when you  were sent to the skybox. It was a month before their exit when you  decided to break into the box to see your friend. At the time you didn't  know that they were leaving for Earth. If you waited a month you  wouldn't have had to go to the ground, you could have stayed on the Ark.  Yet you always managed to make the worst decisions at the worst time.

You  were 17 turning 18 in just two months so in some sense you were lucky  to have committed a crime before 18. The one thing that stumped you  though was Bellamy. How did a 20-year-old guard manage to get a ride  down to earth? You knew it was for his sister, but how? How did he do  it?

You and Bellamy had a strenuous relationship. You never knew  how it started, all you knew was how captivating it was. It was an  addiction, the harder you tried to push the more it pulled back. But you  and Bellamy had a falling out, a terrible one at that. He had ratted  you out you out for breaking in and was the underlying reason why you  were sent to the skybox. Before that, you were more than close, you were  intimate. It probably had been every other day that you found yourself  in his room participating in a rendezvous. It took you both by surprise,  you were only 17 at the time and he was 20. But now it was nearly 3  years later and you repaired your relationship.

It wasn't as  promiscuous as before, you were friends now. Just. Friends. Yet you  still managed to have feelings for him, before when you were in the Ark  it was just for pleasure, but now, now you had to worry about your  feelings and how you could let this get too far.

It's 3 years  later, you're 19 now, and he's 23. You had feeling for him. You felt  this way shortly after you landed on the ground but you both kept  everything strictly professional. It wasn't weird, not ever, you didn't  even know each other's feelings and most the time you pushed it to the  farthest place in your mind. But today was different.

"So now we  have a war on our hands, and I'm pretty sure it's all Pikes fault,"  Bellamy said while trudging through the leaves in the forest. You were  next to him listening to him rant about his problems. You and Bellamy  had been sent out to stock up on more food. So far you have gotten 2  panthers but they were back in the rover.

"Just break off from Pike than, Bell."

"I  want to, believe me, but this isn't the right time, not yet." You  nodded at him. Bellamy had a lot on his plate since Lincoln died and it  was not getting better with his friends ostracizing him. One thing that  kept you and Bellamy so sane was the forest,. Darkly foreboding, ominous  sounds, creaking, whispering trees, thicker leaves and thick  undergrowth at the forest edge, overhanging branches, narrow and  twisting path, denser wood, choked with brambles, matted undergrowth,  thick bushes, ditch, sprawling branches, stiff branches, this was where  you liked to be. "I'll just keep everyone safe from the sidelines," He  mumbled underneath his breath loud enough for you to hear. You smiled at  him when you heard that before walking through the forest some more.

It  had been nearly 30 minutes of hunting. You both had caught little  things like rabbits and squirrels enough to feed a considerable amount  of people, not an amount you were happy with. You talked and hunted  throughout the words before stopping and taking a break.

"I'm going to get Octavia to like me again."  You set your bag on the ground to take out your canteen.

"Well,  Bell, you just got to redeem yourself. No ones gonna forgive you until  you forgive yourself." You could hear him chuckle prompting you to look  up at him.

There was a grounder behind him, his vest was made of  animal fur that hung on his wide shoulders. He was a strong man no doubt  who was capable of killing both of you right now in cold blood.

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