Teach Me.

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I was walking around the Ark, trying to keep my mind off of the situation that we're currently happening with Clarke missing. My head snapped towards the sounds of grunting, furrowing my eyebrows together in confusion as I head towards the sounds. My feet took me to the training area, seeing a bunch of teenagers and young adults standing closely together as their eyes were trained on something out of eyeshot.

"What the hell?" I asked myself, peeking my head into the room, not gaining anyone's attention as I saw Lincoln and Bellamy facing each other, shirtless. I bit my lip gently, my eyes roaming over both of their bodies before leaning my shoulder against the doorway, watching the two scuffle.

Bellamy raised his fists to block his face, keeping his eyes on Lincoln. The grounder threw a punch and Bell dodged it, throwing a punch towards Lincoln, his fist connecting with his nose. Lincoln stumbled back, wiping his nose before stepping towards Bellamy, punching his chest.

I began to get a bit nervous as Bellamy stumbles grunting a bit, Lincoln kicking him in the chest as he fell to the floor. It took all my might not to break up the fight, keeping my eyes on the shaggy-haired man as he got up, punching the mat. Lincoln threw another punch, but Bellamy dodged it again, kneeing him in the stomach before jumping up, punching Lincoln in the face with so much force.

Although Lincoln stumbles backward, wiping his lip as Bellamy kept coming, swinging his arm back to throw a punch which Lincoln dodges. I bit my fingernails, stepping into the room as I stood next to someone. Lincoln grabs Bellamy's arm, flipping him over his shoulder. I winced when Bellamy's back hit the floor, Lincoln holding his arm out as he winds his arm backward, but stopped before connecting his fist to Bellamy's face.

I sighed in relief, Bell's chest heaving up and down as Lincoln stood up, walking towards us. "He had me, but he was too aggressive." Bellamy got up from the floor, walking towards the beige piece of clothing that was on the floor.

"Whatever you say," Bellamy called out, sliding his arms into his shirt as the crowd chuckled. His eyes roamed the crowd, widening once he sees me standing near the door. I gave him a small smile and wave, pressing my lips together as I walked over to him.

"Quitting so soon?" Lincoln chuckled, looking back at him as I stood in front of Bellamy. He ignored Lincoln, he eyes staying on me as I looked back at the group of people, giving the old grounder a look. "Alright guys, follow me. Let's give them some alone time."

I rolled my eyes, laughing softly as I crossed my arms over my chest. Bellamy slipped his shirt on, making me pout slightly. "Aw, why'd you put it on?" I teased, playing with the hem of his shirt.

Bellamy looked down at me, smirking as he moved some of my hair over my shoulder. "Well, I have to map section seven otherwise I'd gladly keep it off. Especially if you're going to be in my presence," he chuckled, bringing me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso, closing my eyes as I let out a deep breath, inhaling his scent.

"Do you think someone else can take your place for mapping?" I asked voice muffled a bit as my face was in his chest. Bell rubbed my back before pulling me away from him, glancing down at me.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, his voice filled with concern. I chuckled softly, trailing my hands up his chest as I heard his breath hitch.

"Nothing's wrong Bell... I was just thinking that maybe you could teach me a few self-defense moves," I whispered, taking my bottom lip between my teeth, glancing up at him through my eyelashes.

Bellamy licked his lips, eyes trailing to my lips before back to my eyes before nodding his head. "Ye-Yeah, just give me a second."

He left the room, most likely going to tell Monty that he's not going as I stand in the training room, slipping my shirt over my head, exposing my black sports bra. I sit on the mat, stretching my legs as I heard heavy boots come back into the room. I glance up, seeing Bellamy walking towards me and I sit up, stretching my arms over my head as his eyes widened.

I giggle quietly as I saw his cheeks turn pink, trying to not look at my chest as I stood up. Glad I can make Bellamy Blake squirm. I stretched my neck side to side, standing in front of him as I took a fighting stance. His hands gripped the end of his t-shirt, pulling it off my body before throwing it towards my shirt. My eyes trailed down his torso, admiring how muscular he is.

"Hey, focus," Bell smirked, snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Anyway, make sure to always block your face," he stated, moving my fists up a bit so they're covering my face and I nod. "Let's rest your punching skills first before anything. Come on, give me your best shot," he smiled, placing his palms out in front of him.

I took a deep breath before throwing a punch with my right hand, connecting my knuckles with his hand. I winced a bit, shaking my hand a bit as I took the stance again, throwing a punch with my opposite hand.

"Good, but you need to punch harder. You're not going to get anywhere with punches like that," Bellamy chuckled, motioning me to go again. I let out another deep breath, concentrating on my punches as I threw two punches, one right after the other. He stumbled back a bit, smiling down at me as he nodded in satisfaction. "Alright..." Bell trailed off, smirking down at me before he swung at me.

I let out a gasp, ducking as I felt the air from the swing go over my head, glancing up at him before taking a shot. I aimed for Bellamy's chest, hitting my target as he grunted a bit, placing a hand over the spot I hit, stumbling back.

I smiled widely, surprised I hit my target as I began to cheer a bit. A scream escaped my lips as Bell tackled me to the mat, straddling my hips. He leaned down, his lips grazing against the shell of my ear. "Never get distracted. That's how you get killed," Bellamy muttered, his fingers pressing into my forearms lightly, trailing them up to my hands intertwining our fingers together.

I breathed heavily as he pulled his head back, his fingers still intertwined with mine as we stared into each other's eyes. "A-Are you planning on getting off of me, or what?" I asked quietly, gulping a bit as my eyes glanced towards his chapped pink lips.

"I don't know. I quite like this position although it could be switched," Bellamy laughed, shaking his hair a bit as some sweat dripped onto me. I let out a groan, turning my head to the side as I tried to get my hand freed from his.

"Bellamy!" I laughed, rubbing my face against his arm. I wiggled my hand out of his, bringing it up to his hair, running my fingers through it. "You know I've waited a long time for you to be on top of me," I playfully winked at the freckled boy, chuckling softly.

"Trust me, I've waited quite a while to be on top of you as well," Bellamy smirked.

I noticed him constantly glancing down at my lips, wondering if he's actually going to do anything about it or if I need to take matters into my own hands. "Well..." I trailed off and he looked at me confused. "Are you going to kiss me or not? I'm not going to wait forever," I bit my lip.

Bellamy nodded his head, lowering his face to mine, brushing our lips together softly before pulling away. I let out a small groan, feeling his free hand grab mine from his hair, pinning it back to the mat, intertwining our fingers. He brought his face closer to mine once more, teasing me by taking my top lip between his teeth, pulling back lightly.

"Please stop teasing me," I muttered, keeping my eyes closed as I heard Bell chuckle. I was about to open my eyes when he slammed his lips against mine. I let out a muffled noise, lifting my face closer to his as I moved my lips against his. Bellamy released my hands and they instantly wrapped around his neck, trailing my fingers through his hair, tugging it gently.

Bell groaned, his hand trailing up my neck, resting in the nape of it, pulling away from me. A pleased sigh came from my lips, slowly opening my eyes. I could see him already smiling down at me when the smile on my face widened. "You know that you're a really good kisser?" I asked him and he shrugged, looking smug. Bellamy stood up, pulling me up with him as our chests were pressed together.

"You should probably train more, in case something happens," Bell whispered, his forehead pressed against mine and I grinned, nodding my head in agreeance.

"Are all the enemies going to straddle my hips and kiss me like you did?" I asked, biting my lip softly and his jaw clenched, wrapping an arm around my lower back, pulling me even closer to his chest.

"If they even tried... I'd kill them," Bellamy husked into my ear and I shivered as he nibbles on it softly as a small moan leaves my lips. "You're mine now."


author: ninja-stiles

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