Cat & Mouse.

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Bellamy walks over to Clarke confused as to why she even waved him over away from Y/N

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Bellamy walks over to Clarke confused as to why she even waved him over away from Y/N. Clarke giggles along with Monty as if they were in on a big secret. Either way, Bellamy walks up to Clarke annoyed.

"So I have a plan," Clarke says rushed, "So what if we had you ask her out in a hu-" but Bellamy cut her off.
"Hold up, ask out? Who? And no," Bellamy gets out. Monty raises his eyebrows and so does Clarke. They seem to have a secret language going on between them that irked Bellamy endlessly, but he stood there patiently for a moment.

During that moment, Bellamy took a chance to look at Y/N. He watched as she drew up plans for the border to keep the grounders out. Each one of the ex-prisoners watched carefully as she spoke. She spoke with such enthusiasm and determination. Someone must have said something she liked because her contagious smile caused everyone to feel a little more at ease.

Like everything was going to be alright.

In Bellamy's mind, everything was going to be alright as long as she was by his side every step of the way.

"Have you heard a word I said, Bellamy?" Clarke snaps her fingers in his face and he scowls at her. "Of course not, too busy ogling Y/N."

Monty rolls his eyes, "We were just talking about your massive crush on Y/N." Bellamy's eyes widened at the thought of them knowing, so like any in denial person, he brushes it off.

"I don't have a crush on her," Bellamy faces his two friends while they give him a sarcastic look as if they don't believe him. Honestly by his tone, he wouldn't believe himself.

"Come on Bel, just admit it so that we can devise a plan. You pining for her isn't doing anyone good," Clarke begs Bellamy. He rolls his eyes.

"Look, you've got this all wrong, okay?" he begins his argument at the exact moment Y/N was coming over to get his opinion about the plans. She saw they were in a conversation and decided to wait behind Bellamy before talking to him. Clarke and Monty smirked, their plan working. "I do not have a crush on Y/N."

"Damn, that's a shame," Y/N muttered behind him. He spun around to face her with flushed red cheeks and a stutter ready to commence.

"Y-Y-Y/N," Bellamy stutters to the absolutely breathtaking girl. He tilts his head, still embarrassed, at the confusing girl, "What do y-you mean?"

Y/N walks slowly and seductively closer to Bellamy. Bellamy fears that the girl could hear his erratic heartbeat. "Well Bellamy, I was going to invite you to my tent later, but I guess I will get back to work." She brought her hand up his arm slowly before dropping it and turning away.

Bellamy blinked a few times and quickly glanced at his laughing friends before chasing after her. Y/N wanted to play hard to get with the boy she's been crushing on since the ark. It was going to be a game of cat and mouse.

And it was going to be a game she was going to win.


Author: kiabee01

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