Public Displays of Affection.

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The war raged on for only a week, and yet, they did so much damage,  everyone had abandoned the dropship, but you couldn't leave. Especially  with Raven there slowly bleeding out. You had seen the ark stations  falling from the sky just a day before, so you figured the first place  they would go was to the Dropship. And if you knew any better you were  betting that Bellamy would come back to.

You had been right  the entire time, Bellamy had come. Despite his face being scratched up,  you couldn't deny, that in all his glory, he was still indisputably hot.  So that was the first thing he did, he punched Murphy and then plant a  kiss on your lips.

You couldn't believe how different it was on  the ground, how feelings changed, how people changed. Your friends from  the Ark had been jealous of you coming down, been jealous of your  beauty, and had been jealous of your boyfriend. But out of all that,  people were envious of your power to influence decisions on the Ark.

It  was today that all the teens and young adults of the Ark all came out  and, for lack of better words; partied. There was Monty's moonshine,  weed, and possibly anything to subside your worries for the night. It  was today that you spotted your counterfeit friendship that welled up  anger in your blood.

You were never one to get jealous, never on  to get mad Bellamy was with another girl, you got mad when Bellamy  talked to someone you hated. Now, hate is used very loosely. "I hate  apples." Or "I hate pairs." But when you used hate it took on a whole  other meaning. A meaning that made people not want to get on your bad  side.

Yet there Bellamy sat, next to the girl you hated. She  didn't come down with The 100, but she wished she had, she wanted  everything you had, with effort, she could get it. She ran on malice, it  was people like her you hated the most.

Seeing Bellamy laugh and talk with a girl you hated made your blood run cold, so you did the same.

"Jason,  Hey!" You hollered taking a seat next to the arguably one of the most  attractive boys in the camp. He turned to you, smiling brightly and  giving you an open seat to sit on.

"Hey Y/N, I haven't seen you in  a while, how's everything?" You looked over at Bellamy who still  chatted with the girl and to no prevail, he wouldn't turn you away.

"I'm  great, i'm great. How you liked the ground?" You made small talk  glancing over once in a while to see what your boyfriend had been doing.  And slowly but surely you caught Bellamy's attention. It started with  quick glances to lingering looks, but undeniably you got his attention.

"Yeah  I really love that movie, it's so good." The boy talked and talked and  maybe if you had listened you wouldn't have found him so boring, but  your mind wasn't it on him. It was on Bell, so when you reached over and  touched the boy's biceps you were bound to get his attention.

There  we alcohol. It was both in your systems, even if just a little it was  still there, and it still, no matter how small, had a control over you.  It loosened you up, made you braver than you usually were, and that said  a lot. You were a brave person.

Bellamy got up from his seat with  the girl, stalking over to you. And he stared at you, with the most  penetrating eyes you had ever seen. They had completely captivated you,  they were dark and brooding yet shy and sweet. It wasn't as if he just  staring, it was as if he was looking through you, judging every single  thing you have ever done in the past.

"I'll take it from here,"  Bellamy ordered Jason as the boy got up reluctantly glancing at you  before leaving. He waited until he found a new place to sit before  grabbing your arm and lifting you up from the table. He smirked at you.  "You shouldn't wear your emotions on your sleeve, Princess. From the  look you're giving me I can tell you want me. " He leaned closer to you.  "Everyone could tell you want me, Princess."

"Don't act as if the  feeling isn't mutual. If it wasn't you wouldn't be holding me, you  wouldn't lean in so far, in front of so many people."

"I never said it wasn't mutual, Princess. Because if we're frank, I want you too."

He leaned in more, his lips ghosted over yours, teasing you, enticing you. Its got you ready for what he was going to do next.

His  lips imprinted themselves on your neck, you lost any rational thought  and moaned, a low, quiet moan, from the bottom of your stomach. You had  been with him for months, but every time you were amazed at how he still  managed to give you chills. You were in public. You were showing  everyone you move, your lips, your boyfriend.

You felt a hot  breath on my neck, then soft lips press against your shoulder, traveling  under your chin. His lips left burns as they came in contact with your  skin, kissing and sucking on every area. A hand runs through the back of  your hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. It went from  your shoulder to your neck, to your neck to your earlobe and felt like  hours of pleasure, but in one swift movement, he kissed you. 

The  kiss destroyed every thought. His lips pushed harder onto your own, hot  and burning. Warmth surrounded the both of you as his lips worked on  yours, your tongues in perfect sync with the others. Mint toothpaste and  spearmint mixed together, and his deodorant wore off and all you smelt  was him. He smells of nature. Trees and pine from the winter snow. You  were breathless as he showered you with gentle, soft kisses, the varies  from rough and passionate.

"Bell, we're in public, you know?" You whispered as the moonlight hit your face.

"Do you want me to stop?" He chuckled, knowing the answer.


Bellamy's  nose touched yours rubbing the crook of his into it before kissing your  lips again.  His eyelids weighted closed as he kissed you. Open mouths,  tongues, it felt as if he was spelling words in your mouth. He clutched  your body to him. You both stopped, your breaths coming in wild gasp.  You looked around and you had gotten everyone's attention. Jason, that  girl, Kane. Everyone.

And tonight... you didn't plan to stop.


author: thehundrd

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