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Your bag swinged on your shoulder as you walked out of the gates of  Arkadia. You had your knife in your belt and bow ready on your other  shoulder.

"Hey, stop," you heard a deep voice order from behind you. Knowing exactly who it was you kept walking.

A strong hand closed around your wrist and yanked you back into your personal prison.

"I told you to stop."

"Piss off Bellamy," you pulled your wrist out of  his tight grip and tried to push him aside.

"What part of nobody leaves the camp does not seem clear to you princess?"

He  shoved you once again back in and you felt your anger bubble inside  your chest. Before he had the chance to react your fist collided with  his face and, as he stumbled back, you jogged out of the gates and into  the woods.

You heard a shuffling noise behind you and rolled your eyes as you sat down on the ground.

"C'mon Lincoln I know it's you."

Your brother came out of the bush where he was hiding and sat down near you.

"You shouldn't have-"

"Punched Bellamy, I know, it's just that I don't like it in there and he was getting on my nerves."

He didn't say anything, he just looked at you like you were a stubborn child.

"You know Lincoln, go back to Octavia and live your perfect life."

You stormed into the woods ignoring your brother's yells.

You  downed what was left in your jar, everybody around you was dancing and  laughing loudly because of some weird holiday that you didn't get.

You got up to get a refill when someone stumbled into you.

"Hey doll, you look absolutely stunning tonight you that?"

You  rolled your eyes and went to push him away but with the corner if your  eye you saw Bellamy staring at you from near the bonfire.

"Do I?" you smirked and started to twirl a strand of hair around your finger.

He got even closer, so close that you could smell his disgusting breath.

"You do."

"And what would you like to do about it?"

"Well,  I was thinking about a few things," he leant down to whisper into your  ear and you had to use all of your strength not to throw him away and  break his nose.

Bellamy was shaking in anger and you saw his grip tighten so much around the jar that his knuckles turned white.

You  bit your lip at the sight and moaned loudly enough for him to hear it.  At that sound Bellamy snapped and threw his jar on the ground while he  was making his way to you.

He pushed that disgusting guy away from you and grabbed your arm, dragging you alongside him.

Once you were in his room he slammed the door closed and locked it.

"What the hell were you doing?"

"I was flirting," You answered smugly.

Bellamy looked at you with his lip between his teeth and then pulled you flush against him roughly.

"Never do that again," He ordered.

"Or what? You'll punish me?"

He  grabbed your jaw and then pushed his lips on yours. The tension between  you two invaded the room and it was so thick that you could actually  touch it.

He harshly bit your lip and forced his tongue past your  lips, causing you to moan in response. Your tongues fought for dominance  but nobody seemed to win, until he slapped your ass with his free hand.

You  felt a pool of wetness starting to grow between your thighs. You let  slip an high pitched moan that Bellamy seemed to enjoy so much that his  big hand slapped again the soft flesh of your ass.

You moaned again and started to run your thighs together to get some friction.

Bellamy  threw you on the bed and yanked down your pants and underwear. He  looked up at you and started to play with your wetness. You felt his  fingers spread your juices around your sex, the ache in your lower  abdomen growing more and more.

A needy moan escaped your lips and you fell back into the mattress.

"Good girl."


author: allisonsarrows

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