Alive & Well.

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"Here we go again

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"Here we go again." You huffed out quietly, a radio in one hand and a wrinkled map in the other. A stray breeze flowed gracefully through your hair and along the branches of nearby trees. You gazed longingly at the black CB radio in your palm, hoping a familiar voice would just speak out of nowhere. It nearly brought you to tears just imagining the thought of someone responding after six lonely years.

"Bellamy, if you can hear me, you're alive. It's been 2,199 days since Praimfaya. I don't know why I still do this every day. Maybe it's my way of staying sane here with Clarke. Not forgetting who I am, who I was. It's been safe for you to come down for over a year now. Why haven't you? I miss you."

"D/F/N D/M/N Blake! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Bellamy playfully yelled out, his voice echoing throughout the metal halls of the Ark. His feet quickly tip toed along the corridors while his eyes briefly scanned each and every room in search of his little daughter. Just before leaving after peeking in the last bedroom of Hall C, a high giggle could be heard from under the floorboards.

" Hm, if I was a seven year old, where would I hide? " Bellamy questioned curiously out loud, attempting to lure D/F/N out of her hiding spot. The tiny child kept her fingers planted on her lips, refraining from making a peep of noise. Her father slowly kneeled down on the floor, silently lifting up a tile and revealing the surprised face of a little girl. " I found you! Now, come on out, sweetheart. Monty's making us try foods again. "

" Ewww, do we have too? " D/F/N groaned out, her nose crinkling in disgust as she crawled out of the tiny floorspace. Bellamy hummed out in affirmation, a small sigh following suit. During the six years in space, Monty has been experimenting to find sources of nutrients to sustain eight people, even if they tasted like bitter posion. " Last one there has to drink two! "

" Hey! No fair! " Bellamy barked out, running after his daughter who already disappeared around the corner like a ghost. He groaned out as a hand ran through his ruffled hair, knowing full well he would never catch up to D/F/N. She was too smart for her own good, an obvious trait she inherited from her wonderful mother, and she never stopped asking about going back to Earth.

Bellamy saw so much of you in D/F/N: the H/C hair, the E/C eyes, the ability to think in such creative and unusual ways. She was practically a carbon copy of everything he missed so dearly. Bellamy would look down on the world from the Ark, watching it simmer in radiation and never letting himself forget how he didn't try hard enough to get you to come along. As D/F/N grew, Bellamy became somewhat accustomed with your absence, it was like you left her as a souvenir for him!

" Bottoms up, King. You got two to drink this time. " Murphy teased, his chin planted in his palm as a smug grin curled on his lips. The rest cheered loudly as Bellamy took the seat next to D/F/N on the bench, eyeing the nutrients warily while his stomach did ten flips.

" Chug! Chug! Chug! " Skaikru chanted over and over, their fists pounding sonorously on the metal table, even D/F/N joined in! That little rat! Bellamy groaned out defeated, his hand lifted the bowl to his lips and his throat choked down both bowls of the sharp tasting sludge. Laughter and claps broke out when Bellamy slammed the bowl down on the table, sloppily wiping the residue from off his mouth.

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