The Best Distraction.

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  Bellamy can feel himself getting restless, aching for something in particular. All his mind can think of is you, travelling to the thought of how good your lips would feel on him.

Tapping  his foot against the floor for a few more seconds, he can't take it any  longer. He deserves a break, after all. And what better way to relax  than to be with his loving girlfriend.

The Ark won't fall apart  if he doesn't guard Hallway E for twenty minutes. Rushing down the  familiar way to your office, which he knows you're still slaving away  at.

Sneaking up on you, Bellamy startles you when he places his hands on your shoulders and begins to rub them.   "Christ, Bellamy! Aren't you supposed to be working?" You wonder, turning to look at the cheeky boy.

"I'd rather be with you." He admits, feeling the tension between the two of you already grow. Maybe it's just in his head.

Yours  is a new relationship and nothing quite serious between the two of you  has occurred yet but secretly, you've both been waiting for the chance  to rip each other's clothes off and-

"You're distracting  me, baby." You tell him, closing your eyes as he presses a kiss to your  warm neck. You press your legs together, already feeling hot and  bothered by Bellamy's forwardness.

"Good," he replies, pulling  your chair back and making you stand up. Bellamy presses his body  against your back, letting his semi hard cock run against your bum.  "Because I need you so bad right now, Y/N."

You let out a quiet  hum as you grind your ass into him, making his hips jolt with  excitement. This is a new step for your relationship and in reality, you  should think it over. But then again, you've never wanted anyone more.

"I'm yours." You smile.

Bellamy's  breathing is heavy as he grabs your hand and guides you outside of the  office. The halls are quiet and empty - perfect.   Using his keycard to unlock one of the small meeting rooms, Bellamy  gives you a smirk as he holds the door open.

As you walk  through, he slaps your ass roughly and you let out a squeal. Turning to  face him, you smile wildly. "Someone's eager."

He grunts as he  walks up to you, pushing you against the table. "You have no idea. Now,"  he begins, pulling your shoes off and your tight, black skirt down, "I  want to play with you, make you feel good. I'm going to make you come  harder than you ever have."

"Is that so?" You hum as you button your shirt down slowly. "Because I think you want me more than I want you." You tease him, running your hand over your body.

Bellamy drinks your movements up, watching you as if he's in some sort of a trance.   He licks his lips when he sees your lacy bra and leans to undo it.

When  your bra is off, Bellamy lets his mouth trail kisses down to your  nipples and he then proceeds to fondle and lick them. You close your  eyes at the sensation, already feeling yourself becoming wetter and  wetter by his actions.

Bell kisses down to your thighs now, using his hands to seat you on the table and spread your legs out.

Looking  up at your expression, he runs his fingers against your clit through  the fabric of your underwear and you close your eyes. It feels so good  and you've wanted it for so long.

As he moves your underwear  over and continues his actions, Bellamy's fingers dip inside you and  then run over your clit. For some reason you find yourself unable to  stop smiling at the pleasure that courses through you.

He stands  up and removes his fingers which are quickly being replaced by your  own. You watch as Bellamy takes his clothes off, stripping in front of  you.

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