A Night Out // Bob Morley.

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My friends, Elena and Audrey, and I walked into the blazing nightclub seeing tons of people dancing. I gulped slightly, already feeling my claustrophobia kick in as I follow the girls towards the bar. I stood behind my friends as they sat down, leaning forward as Elena tries to flag down a bartender. I take a look at everyone around me, moving closer towards the stools as someone rams into me. "Are we sure this was a good idea?" I yelled over the loud music.

Audrey looks back at me, resting a hand on my shoulder as she gave me a sympathetic smile. "Of course it is! You need a girls night out after what your shitty ex-boyfriend did to you," she yelled into my ear and I frowned, pressing my lips together into a thin line.

I nibbled on my bottom lip, trying to push the flashbacks to the back of my mind as my eyes connected with Elena, who was looking at the both of us. "What do you guys want? First round's on me!" She called out. Audrey and I told her our drinks as she turned back towards the bartender. "She's going to get a peach bellini while the girl of the evening is going to get a sex on the beach!" I blushed at her comment, hating all the attention on me as two of the bartenders gave me a flirty grin.

After all three of us got our drinks, we made our way upstairs where the balcony is. I stirred my drink, mixing the alcohol and juice together as I walked behind my friends. "So, where are the friends we're supposed to be meeting up with?" I asked as I leaned against the rail of the balcony, looking out at the lit up city as Elena leaned against the rail as well.

"I texted them saying we'd be up on the balcony and they were five minutes out when I sent it. They should be here any minute now," she told us and I nodded my head, taking a sip of my drink.

I got distracted by the incredible view, drowning out Elena and Audrey's conversation as my mind went to what Eric, my ex, had done to me in the prior weeks of tonight.

I had just gotten home from work one evening, holding the Chinese takeout in my hand as I unlocked the door to mine and Eric's apartment. I grinned, wondering if he's done anything special for our one year anniversary. I threw the keys into the little ceramic bowl, placing the food on the dining room table as I looked around the main room, not seeing him around. My eyebrows furrowed together once I heard moaning, my heartbeat picking up rapidly as I made my way down the small hallway.

"Oh, Eric!" A woman moaned, feeling my heart break in two as I opened the door seeing my boyfriend laying on the mattress while some blonde rides him.

Tears pooled in my eyes as he hadn't noticed me standing there, feeling a little faint. "Eric?!" His head turned towards me and he pushed the blonde off of him, wrapping himself in a sheet as he walked towards me.

"Y/N?! I thought you weren't coming home until later," Eric muttered and I took a step away from him, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"What, so you have time to finish? It's our one year anniversary! H-How could you do this to me?" I yelled at him, slamming my fists against his chest as he tried to grab my arms with one of his hands.

"Wait... that's today?" He asked and if my heart could break anymore it would. My lips parted in shock, striding past him to grab an overnight bag, throwing a bunch of clothes into it. "Babe, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm leaving. Enjoy the Chinese..." I muttered, slinging the bag over my shoulder before grabbing my keys, leaving the apartment.

A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts, looking behind me to see Elena smiling but that quickly turns into a frown once she notices the tears on my face. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked me, her voice filled with sadness as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

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