Betrayed By Our Own.

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Bellamy woke up dazed and confused in the underground bunker Jaha  found. The bunker that started the conclave resulting in the winner's  clan to be safe in the bunker during Praimfaya. He looked around, seeing  Clarke and Jaha conversing as he slowly got up from the chair they had  placed his unconscious body on.

The two noticed that he was awake  as Bellamy stood up, narrowing his eyes in confusion towards the blonde.  "What the hell did you do?" He asked Clarke, stepping towards the table  as Jaha looked up at the young man.

"If only one clan could survive, it might as well be ours," Jaha answered as Bellamy glanced at Clarke, fuming with anger.

"Clarke, you agreed to this?" Bellamy asked the blonde once more and she stayed quiet as Jaha answered for her once more.

"It was her idea." Bellamy's eyes widened at the thought of her risking their people's lives who are still above us.

"We  did what we had to do," Clarke informed him and he pressed his lips  together, trying not to get too angry and lash out at his co-leader.

"How  could you do this? There were only four warriors left and Octavia was  one of them. She might have won," Bellamy spoke, trying to reason with  these two.

"And she might not have," Jaha countered, earning the  young man's attention as Bellamy stared at him with an unreadable face,  not wanting to think that his baby sister is dead.

"Bellamy,  you're right. She had a chance, but Luna was in the final four as well.  Which means that there is an even better chance of nobody getting this  bunker. Nobody surviving the end of the human race. Can you understand  that?" Clarke asked, looking up at Bellamy as he scoffed quietly,  nodding his head.

"Yeah, I-I can understand it. You did what you  think you had to do, like always, but you can't – you can't expect me to  stay down here not knowing what happened to my sister or even Y/N for  that matter," Bellamy explained, getting emotional at the thought of  losing the two people he loved most.

"We're not opening that door, son," Jaha mustered up and Bellamy glanced over at him, narrowing his eyes.

"You  know what? I must have missed the election that made you Chancellor  again," Bellamy spat, running his hands through his hair as the door to  whatever office they were in open, revealing Abby.

"Y/N's becoming  more stable, but she isn't awake yet," she spoke as she walked in,  closing the door behind her as Bellamy swallowed the lump in the back of  his throat. Y/N's here?

"Wait, what do you mean she's not  awake?" Bell asked, glancing back towards Clarke. "What did you guys do  to her?" He questioned, growling as he could feel the anger pulsing  through his body. A gentle hand laid on his arm as he snapped his head  back towards Abby.

"Hey... she's fine. She's been sleep deprived, so  her body is taking a little more time to wake up. Y/N should be up in  the next hour," Dr. Griffin softly spoke, giving Bellamy a reassuring  smile as he let out a breath of relief. "While I was setting up the  infirmary I heard people in the corridor. Did we win?" She asked,  looking at the three of them as Bellamy shrugged.

"We don't know," Bellamy spoke curtly, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked towards Jaha and Clarke.

"Where's  Marcus?" Abby asked, worried about her lover as she was met by silence,  watching her daughter look towards the ex-chancellor.

"He was in  the tower. We sent some people for him, Bellamy, Y/N, and Octavia.  Bellamy and Y/N were the only ones we could get in time," Jaha explained  as Bellamy rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his hips as he shook  his head. "I'm sorry." Clarke looked at the floor, not being able to  handle all the tension and guilt in the room as Abby demanded to give  her a radio. Jaha shook his head, "the walkies are no good down here,"  he spoke as the blonde walked over to the desk, pushing a button that  raises a part of the table up. "Clarke," Jaha exclaimed, looking towards  the young lady.

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