Kidnapped and Tortured.

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I watched Bellamy sulk around camp, his shoulder slumped as he made  patrol around the main gate, looking out towards the woods, waiting  miraculously for Clarke to come back. According to what he told me, she  couldn't handle what she had to do at Mount Weather and just left all  responsibility to him. Left him alone to grieve by himself, but he  wasn't really alone. I've been by his side as much as he lets me, which  isn't really a lot.

"Is he still moping around?" Raven asked me as I glanced towards her.

"Yeah,  he's really kicking himself for killing the people in the mountain," I  mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched the curly-haired  man stagger along. "It didn't really help that Clarke left him alone to  deal with his demons."

"Yeah, well, Bellamy's strong. He'll be fine," Raven muttered, clamping a hand on my shoulder before limping away.

My  eyebrows furrowed together when I saw Bellamy walking out the gate, my  feet walking after him as I didn't wanna lose sight of him. I walked out  the gate, earning yells from the guard standing in the tower, but I  ignore him, continuing my journey after Bell.

"Bellamy!" I called  out, gaining his attention as he whipped around, his eyes widening a bit  as I finally caught up with him. "Where are you going?" I asked,  huffing a bit as I laid my hands on my knees.

"I was just... I was..." Bellamy trailed off, trying to come up with an excuse as I raised my eyebrows.

"I  know you're good with a gun and everything, but the grounders are out  here a-and I don't want anything to happen to you," I mumbled, stepping  closer to him as the distance between us reduced.

"Nothing's going  to happen to me. You should get back to camp," Bellamy muttered and I  shook my head, my fingers gripping his guard jacket.

"I'm not  going anywhere without you," I told him, looking up at him through my  lashes as his lips parted. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling  him into a hug as he sighed a bit, wrapping his strong arm around my  waist.

"I'm really glad you're here," he whispered into my ear as I  felt my cheeks heat up, leaning back a bit to press a kiss to his  cheek.

"I'm not leaving you, ever," I reassured him as he  nodded, his lips brushing against my forehead. Bellamy opened his mouth  to say something when a blunt object smashed into the back of my head,  knocking me to the ground as I watched Bellamy fight off a couple of  grounders.

My vision was a little fuzzy as one of the grounders  punched Bellamy in the face, blood dripping from his lips before he was  knocked unconscious. Tears welled in my eyes as one of them saw I was  still conscious, stalking towards me before knocking me out cold with  their fist.


I groaned, lifting my head up off the dirt as I  heard grunting coming from beside me. I let my eyes adjust to the area,  feeling a little fuzzy still as I looked towards my left to see Bellamy  with his hands tied behind his back, face bloody from the two grounders  beating on him.

My breath hitched in my throat as I scurried onto  my knees. "Stop! Stop, please!" I screamed, my eyes wide as I looked at  Bellamy who was really weak, hanging his head down, breathing heavily.

The  two grounders glanced towards each other before beginning to walk over  towards me. I scamper away from them, my back pressed against a brick  wall. "Leave her alone!" Bellamy yelled as they stopped, looking back at  the freckled man. "Y-You can harm me," he breathed, his eyes moving  towards mine, "just don't hurt her..." The grounder respected Bellamy's  wishes, bringing his arm back to hit him when someone called out an  order in their language.

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