The Hot Guy At The Club Part 1.

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The music was loud and his body was close. As you danced to the track  blaring through the speakers, you felt the stranger's fingers pressing  into your hips from behind. And you loved it.

You turned  around, coming face to face with the boy who said hi at the bar a few  minutes ago. He looked down at you and the smile he gave you nearly made  you collapse. He was beautiful and the way he started a conversation so  easily felt comfortable and natural.

The hot sweaty bodies dancing  around pushed you into his arms and the two of you danced closer under  the flickering of the club lights. After getting to his house, everything was a blur of bare bodies and  daring touches.

It felt otherworldly, the way his fingers  undressed you as he kept his eyes on yours. It didn't feel much like a one night stand, it was a connection. You remember the way his hands  gripped your thighs as you rode him, his thick lips let out small puffs  of air at the feeling of being inside you. He thought you were  wonderful.

Your bodies grinded against each other's, both eager  to make the other one climax first. It was a game. Whoever came first  was the loser and neither of you wanted to lose.

Though he was close to you, Bellamy felt like he wanted more - needed more but at the same time he wanted to make you come harder and quicker than he had ever made anyone else come.

You bit back a moan as he hit the right spot, relentlessly pounding against you with a steady rhythm.   "Come on, baby girl." He whispered, fingers released your hips to stroke your pretty hair, "Come for me."

You  couldn't help but let out a small moan as you threw your head back,  listening to his small laughs. Bellamy felt like he couldn't keep going,  he knew he was so close to climaxing and losing. "Uh, f-fuck."

You  leaned down and kissed him, making him lose focus as his hips slowed  down. His hands made their way to your clit and he began playing with  you. You pulled away from him, loving the feeling of his fingers on you  but you wanted to try something else.

Picking yourself off of  him, you rested on your knees for a few seconds. He watched you as you  placed your fingers around his hard cock and placed it at your entrance.  He smirked as you fiddled with it, rubbing it against your entrance  ever so slightly.

You slammed down onto him and Bellamy's nails  gripped your thighs harder than before, motivating you further. You  continued with your actions, driving the older boy wild as he moaned in  sync with you.   Bellamy ended up sitting as you rode him, his lips sucking on your  sensitive nipples.

"Oh g-god." You breathed as the sensation ran through your body and made you shiver.

When  your hands had found the back of his curly hair and tugged on the ends,  he let out the loudest moan of the night. Bellamy rested his head  against your chest, his eyes squeezed shut as you felt his cock twitch  inside you.

He didn't bother holding it in anymore, Bellamy let  out all the pleasure he was feeling in the form of a hot moan as he  came, filling you in short spurts.

"I win." You had smiled,  running your hands to his toned chest as he begins breathing  steadily. Bellamy looked at you, his legs feeling weak as the need for  sleep started to take control of him.

Letting out a small growl,  Bellamy picked you up and your back slammed into the bed. His eyes  traced over you hungrily as he began pounding into you. By the sounds of  your moans he could tell he was hitting the right place. It wasn't long  until you were reaching your climax even harder than he did.

His  room filled with breathy pants as you kept your eyes closed and just  breathed. The boy smiled, pulling out. "I might have come first but you  came harder. Pretty sure I win."

At your own home, you stand  in front of the mirror beside the front door. The man never told you  his name but he left kisses and marks along your body that you don't  think you'll ever forget. Snapping out of our daze, you suck in a quick  breath and head out.   When you get to your best friends house, you barely even have to knock  on the door for her to answer with a wide smile etched across her face.

"Finally!" She exclaims, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside her house, "He'll be here soon!"

Sitting on the couch, you furrow your eyebrows before remembering. "Oh, right. Your brother."

Octavia  nods, the feeling inside her chest too much to handle as she thinks of  seeing Bellamy for the first time in months. "I can't wait for you to  meet him, he's-"

The doorbell rings, causing O to stop mid  sentence. She races to the door, the smile never leaving her face. Not  bothering to check if it's even her brother, Octavia swings the door  open and runs into the older man's arms. You stand, watching with a warm  smile.

"Wow, look how big you've gotten." When Octavia pulls  back, her brother looks down at her. For the first time, you can clearly  see his face. It's the stranger from last night - the hot guy at the  club.

He smiles at her, his arms on her shoulders as they reunite.  Then, for a split second his brown eyes land on you. He double takes,  wondering if he's really seeing you standing in his little sisters  kitchen.

Octavia turns, remembering you're there. "This is my  best friend, Y/N." She introduces as the two walk over. You can't keep  your eyes on him for too long. Your cheeks heat up as he stretches his  hand out, a smirk on his familiar lips.

"Hi." Meeting his hand with your own, you remember them pressing against your skin so vividly.

"Hi. I'm Bellamy." His eyes trace you up and down as a part of him relives last night's events.

Octavia  notices the glance you and her brother share and she can tell you're  trying not to let out an awkward laugh. Her eyebrows furrow, wondering  if the two of you have met before.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Bellamy states, the smirk still on his lips for only you to see.


author: octavia-marie-blake

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