A Good Death.

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You and Octavia were training, throwing swings at each other as her  fist connected with your stomach, letting out a small gasp. Your hand  laid on the spot she hit, holding up a finger as you took a few deep  breaths.

"Come on. A warrior doesn't stop for getting punched in  the stomach," Octavia grumbled and you growled a bit, glaring at the  dark brunette as she stood in front of you. You stood back up, holding  your fists up as you took deep breaths. "Good," she grinned, getting  back into stance as you watched her movements, studying how she fights.

Octavia  took another swing at you, but you dodged it, punching the girl in the  side. She grunted, stepping back her eyes narrowing at me as you  smirked. She was about to attack you again when someone knocked on the  doors.

You let out a sigh, walking towards the door before opening  it, finding a grounder guard on the other side of it. "Can we help  you?" You asked, leaning against the door.

"Kane needs to speak to  you two," the guard spoke and you nodded, motioning for him to leave.  He nodded his head, taking his leave as you closed the door, looking  back towards Octavia.

"Let me do your hair first," she muttered  and you nodded, sitting on one of the chairs in the room. You smiled as  her fingers ran through your long hair, slowly shutting your eyes.

"Have  you talked to Bellamy lately?" You asked and her fingers stopped. You  bit your lip, wondering if that was such a good question since what  happened a few months ago. "Sorry, O, I forgot you really weren't on  speaking terms."

"No, it's alright. I know you're worried about  him. You care for him," she muttered and you glanced towards the floor.  "But, I haven't talked to him. I can probably get Kane to do it or maybe  you could since he's your father," Octavia laughed, continuing to braid  my hair.

After she finished your hair, the two of us made your  way towards where Kane's desk was. Kane was talking on the radio when we  walked in, silently standing in front of his desk as we waited for him  to finish.

"Have a seat," he mentioned and Octavia sat down while you stood.

"What did I do now?" She asked your father and you furrowed your eyebrows together, wondering what she meant by that.

"Rumors  of the flame's destruction are spreading. People on the street openly  call for the king's head. Your choices have consequences," Kane  mentioned and you turned your head towards Octavia, awaiting her  response.

"Would you rather me kill Indra's daughter?" She asked and your lips parted. Indra has a daughter?

"I'd rather you didn't kill," he muttered and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Our  mission is to keep Roan on the throne, to buy time for the others. To  find a way to save us from the radiation. I'm doing that," Octavia  reminded Kane and you nodded, agreeing with the younger Blake.

"By  decapitating an innocent boy," Kane insinuated and your eyes widened,  looking down at O. She just stared at Kane, no emotion on her face as  you swallowed thickly.

"Everyone's guilty of something," she spoke.

"There's  a darkness in you, Octavia," your father pointed out and you suddenly  began to see it, twiddling your thumbs as you awkwardly stood. "I know  you're still mourning," Kane whispered and Octavia began to get up, but  Kane quickly told her to sit back down, a sternness in his voice as  other grounders within the area glanced over towards us. "You didn't  have to kill that boy. You didn't have to kill Ambassador Rafel. You  didn't have to kill Pike."

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