Endless Summer.

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Bellamy's brown eyes reflect green and blue; the green of the trees shading you and the blue of the clear summer sky

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Bellamy's brown eyes reflect green and blue; the green of the trees shading you and the blue of the clear summer sky. The sounds of the oceans waves breaking are repetitive and calm, matching the beat of your heart.

Bellamy sighs calmly, feeling restored from all the stress of his leadership by the nature surrounding him.

He takes a deep breathe in and it feels like he's just woken up after being asleep for decades, Bellamy feels ethereal.

Turning to you, he notices you watching him. You're admiring how his brown skin looks at home under the golden sun - compared to the Arc, this is everything at up there is nothing.

"If time stood still, I'd take this moment, make it last forever." He whispers, kissing your forehead as you lay on his warm chest.

Smiling, you close for your eyes for a second and take in the heat of the sun. "Summer doesn't last forever."

"I'd make it an endless summer." He corrects, his hand finding its way to your hair and stroking your head gently, like you could disappear in an instance. "And we'd be together forever."

Sitting up, you lean down to him and press your lips upon his. Immediately, you feel flames burning your lips and chest, so hot they you can almost picture the fire turning blue.

"We can still be together forever, Bell." You whisper to him, tracing slow lines across his jaw. He gives you a knowing look, his eyes slightly wider and his attention slightly sharper.

"If you want to leave this place before the Arc comes down, if you want to start a new life, just tell me. I'm with you every step of the way."

Bellamy bites the inside of his cheek, feeling torn between his wants and his people. "I'm their leader. I feel obligated to them... for some reason." He recounts over everything that's happened with the 100 and despite it all turning to shit, he feels that there's a connection there.

"Screw your leadership." You tease, making him smile. You continue to brush his hair from his forehead. "Jaha's coming down soon, Bellamy. We both know what that means for us. Maybe this is the part where we start our own chapter."

Thinking over everything too, you image the future and however quickly it may arrive. You know that he belongs in it; that much you are sure of. Bellamy's your home, there's no other way of putting it. You belong with him. It's destined in the stars.

"I love that. God, you're gorgeous." Bell sighs, placing his hands on yours and holding them in his own as he gives you a wide smile. "Life makes sense when I'm with you."

Smiling, you feel yourself blushing at his comments. "I feel it too, Bell." You admit, pressing a short and sweet kiss to his lips, "That's why if you go, I go. If you stay, I'll stay. I just... I want you to know that I'm with you. 100%, no matter what."

The edges of his lips turn up in a kind smile, making his look like a young child. "Thank you, baby. I love you. More than you'll ever know." Leaning up, Bellamy lets his lips rest onto yours in a soft yet passionate kiss.

"I love you too." You smile as you pull back from the fiery blue kiss, leaning your head upon his chest once again as the sun burns your skin with its heat.


Author: octavia-marie-blake

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