Forever & Always.

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Eyeing the battle ground, you notice Loki watching you with piercing, angry eyes as the rest of the Avengers fight the Chitauri

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Eyeing the battle ground, you notice Loki watching you with piercing, angry eyes as the rest of the Avengers fight the Chitauri. You feel hate boiling up inside your chest as you see your city in ruins.

And it's all because of him. You make your way towards him, brandishing your sword before you begin running towards him. Loki gives you a smile, running as well.

As you meet in the middle, it's like a bomb going off. Immediately, the two of you are swinging and dodging each others weapons, both trying to get the upper hand.

"You really think you're a match for me?" Loki laughs, pressing his sword against your neck in a moment of weakness."You're pathetic. You being apart of them," he gestures towards your friends, "probably the worst idea my insolent brother has ever had."

Maintaining eye contact with Loki, you give him a small smirk. "I don't think so." In an instant, you disappear right before his eyes. He swings his sword, never hitting you once.

"You can't hide forever!" He shouts, spinning around and trying to see you. It's futile really, your powers are too strong and you can turn yourself invisible whenever you want.

"Yes, I can." You reply from behind him, making him snap around with his weapon out. He swings erratically, not giving you time to move back.

Loki laughs as his scepter grazes your arm, making your blood visibly soak your clothes. "I can see you now." He states menacingly, slashing his weapon rapidly as he walks in your direction.

You grasp your arm, hoping to cover the blood from his vision but instead your powers shutter off and on, bringing you in and out of visibility. Loki takes this chance to kick you in your stomach, sending you to the ground.

You can't breathe, no matter how much you try to suck in air. The sharp blade of the scepter slices the side of your stomach, making a animalistic scream tear your throat open.

"Brother!" Thor shouts, watching with wide eyes as he stands over you. Thor feels his stomach drop at the sight of you, one of his closest companions, on the ground, light and power flickering out of you. "This is between you and I."

Bellamy feels his heart stop as the camera focuses on you from above. He's second in command of S.H.I.E.L.D and currently co-pilot in a jet flying over the battle taking place.

"We need to land." He orders Maria, feeling his heart aching with every second that he's not taking care of you. Feeling the burning eyes of Maria beside him, Bellamy shouts. "Now! Land now!"

You can't feel anything, you're just floating around in the wind. You feel like nothing, as light as a feather yet barely there.

"Y/N!" His voice is right next to your ear but you can't really see him, your eyes are focused on the bright sky above you, becoming more and more blurry. "Please, please look at me."

It's only when he begins to lift you up that you turn to him, realising what's happening. His hand is on your face but you can't feel it. "Bell... I can't feel anything."

"You're in shock." He states, looking back at the jet that has it's doors open to collect you, "You'll be alright. I promise you. Okay?" He nods, looking down at you with a smile as you keep flickering from visible to invisible like a broken lightbulb.

Feeling your power diminish, you blink away the tears. "If I don't-"

"You will." He interrupts, gently laying you down in the back of the jet before take off. Bellamy stays with you the entire time to the S.H.I.E.L.D hospital.

"Bellamy." You repeat sternly, "If I don't. You have to k-know. You n-need to know..." Your vision begins to fade as you look up at the ceiling, "Bellamy."

"I know." He tells you, leaning his forehead to press against yours as you both cry together, "I know. I love you too. I have for... forever and I always will."
You smile, closing your eyes with a sigh. "I love you, Bellamy."

Waking up was a pain. Your head was pounding and your body was exhausted. Attempting to sit up, you grunt loudly at the intense pain in your abdomen.

"Bellamy," you call, still trying to stand, "Bellamy-"

"Jesus Y/N, are you trying to bleed out?" You hear a familiar voice ask you as a pair of hands press you back down to a lying position.

"Tony," you mutter, furrowing your eyebrows, "Where's Bell?"

He smirks, sitting beside you. "He's fine. Well, he's been completely worried about you for the past decade but.. He's practically fine. I'll go get him."

Tony walks out, muttering a few words to the group who wait outside your room. Upon seeing you awake and talking, the rest of the Avengers rush up to greet you.

"Oh my god, you're awake." Natasha smiles, entering the hospital room with radiant energy.

"I thought you'd never get up." Hawkeye admits, giving you a teasing smile.

"What, you think I'm that weak?" You smile back, teasing. "What happened? Is everyone okay?"

"We got out with minimal cuts and bruises." Bruce nods.

Steve speaks up, sitting in the chair beside you. "It's you that we're really worried about. How are you feeling?"

Thor nods, giving you a heroic smile. "I'm surprised you went up against my brother and made it out alive. Not many people do, but if you're the only exception then I am glad for that."

"Thank you. And I'm good. I'll survive." You admit, giving him a smile. "But-"

"Where's Bellamy?" Tony imitates, rolling his eyes as he gives you a cheeky look. Looking down bashfully, you hide a smile. You just really want to see him. Especially after what happened.

Stepping aside, he reveals Bellamy standing there with dark, heavy bags under his beautiful brown eyes. "Y/N." He mumbles, rushing up to you and taking your hand.

The group makes signals for each other to leave the two lovers alone to reconnect. "I-I-I can't believe you're okay. God, I was so, so worried- I-"

Placing your hands on either side of his face, you pull him closer to you and press your lips to his. It calms his stuttery nerves instantly and you close your eyes and smile sweetly.

"I love you." You whisper, pulling away from him and pressing your forehead against his. "Forever and always."

"Forever and always." He repeats, giving you the sweetest smile you've ever seen before pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.


Author: octavia-marie-blake

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