Locked Up // Bob Morley.

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  You knock on the door three times, eagerly bouncing on your feet as you  await his answer. It takes a good few seconds until it opens and Bobby  appears at the doorway with a big smile. "Hey, Y/N." He greets, pulling  you into a comfortable hug. Your heart flutters as you hug him back, the  script in your hand resting on his back.

"Hi." You smile back  as you both pull away from the hug and walk into his apartment. Reading  over the new scripts together was a tradition for the whole cast but  today it turned out to be just about your important scene with Bob - not  that you were complaining, you'll never admit it but you may have a big small crush on him.

"Take  a seat," he smiles gesturing to the couch in his lounge room. You sit  down, placing your papers on your lap and your phone in the coffee  table, "Okay, you good to get started?" He wonders. You almost don't  answer at the feeling of his leg pressed against yours.

Swallowing nervously, you nod as you open the paper and begin.   "Bellamy," you mutter, furrowing your eyebrows as you look at Bob, "You can't do this."

He  stands, letting out a sigh as he looks at you. "It's the only way. My  people need saving." He admits. You can't help but pause in awe of how  he can switch from Bobby to Bellamy so expertly. Getting up to stand  beside him, you feel tears burn your eyes as you place your hand in  his.

"Our people." You reply, looking at him with sorrow in your  eyes. If you weren't acting, Bob would listen to how his heart is  telling him to be closer to you. "You don't have to do this alone."

Looking  at the script for a few seconds, you follow what it says and you place  your hand on his soft cheek, trying not to smile. Bellamy Blake was a  complex character to say the least. You understand how he shows his love  and gratitude - in the form of doing all he can to save others. Bellamy  is your favourite and for your own character to be leaning in and  placing your lips on his is a big deal for you. Bob closes his eyes at  the same time that you do. The kiss starts off sweet and innocent - a  scene of emotion for Your/Characters/Name and Bellamy - but it  ends as something different. When you pull away your eyes are wide and  your breath is uneven. A million thoughts go through Bob's head as he  still feels your lips on his own from just a few seconds ago. He wastes  no time. His hands find your cheeks and he presses his lips onto yours.  You both stumble back onto the couch and when you lay down, he pulls  back and hovers over you. Well, this definitely isn't in the script.

"You're  gorgeous." He tells you, his accent making the words sound a hundred  times more beautiful and real. Placing his lips on your neck, he begins  kissing and sucking on your hot skin making shivers run up and down your  back. This is really happening. One of your best friends is kissing you  as you lay on his couch. Bob's hands travel down your body gently as if  he's ready to stop at any moment if you tell him to. As his hands run  up your thighs and under the dress you're wearing, you emit a quiet moan  as your hands run through his hair. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"  Bobby asks, his eyes searching yours as his chest rises and falls with  anticipation.

You admire him as he hovers over you and your eyes  trace over the freckles scattered on his tan skin. All you do is give  him a nod while your fingers pull your underwear down slightly causing a  smile to grow on his face. He leans down and places his face between  your legs.

The sound of running water wakes you up the next  morning. It takes you a few seconds to register what had happened last  night but when you do, you jolt upright. You're in Bobby's bed with no  underwear in sight. Looking around, you see the bathroom door is closed  as he takes his time in the shower.

Shit, you think to  yourself as the urgency of this situation begins to settle in. Quickly  searching for your purse, you sigh in relief when you find your phone  and begin dialing your best friends number. It rings. You wait  impatiently. It rings once more. "Marie!" You whisper quietly, picking  up your dress as you wait for her reply.

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