Lurkin' // Bob Morley.

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Being apart of The 100 family was truly a blessing. Every  single person involved with this show is an absolute sweetheart. Since I  haven't been acting that long, getting a call from the producers saying  I got the part of Ofelia shocked the hell out of me. I would also be  lying if I said that the cast of this show didn't intimidate me because  they did. The more and more time I spent with them the less intimidating  they became the more relaxed I felt and realized I could be myself.

We  were in the middle of shooting season two and I was standing behind the  directors, watching Bob and Eve, who played Maya, act out their scene  where Bellamy contacts Raven for the first time through the radio in  Mount Weather. I stood in my outfit which is basically a lot of bandages  wrapped around my chest and pelvis since Ofelia is one of the forty-six  that's locked in the cages that'll eventually be taken to collect bone  marrow from our bodies. My eyes roamed over Bob, taking my bottom lip  between my teeth as I took in his appearance. Damn, he looks really good. If I had to picture Bellamy, it'd be this.

"Could  you make it any more obvious that you're staring?" I heard Marie ask  and I jumped, turning around quickly as she stood behind me, a smirk on  her lips.

"I am not staring," I mumbled, rolling my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm just watching their scene."

"Yeah,  that's why you're biting your lip and basically undressing him with  your eyes," she chuckled, shaking her head as my cheeks flushed. "C'mon,  Y/N, you can't hide the fact that you have a crush on Bobby!" I covered  her mouth with my hand, looking around us as no one seemed to hear what  she said.

"Jesus, Marie could you be any louder?" I asked,  feeling my cheeks basically on fire as I ran my fingers through my hair.  She patted my shoulder, giving me an innocent smile as the two of us  made our way towards some chairs, sitting down in them.

"Look, it's alright. Bob's a sweetheart and I'm sure he'd definitely go out with you," she reassured me and I shook my head.

"There's no way Bob would go out with someone like me.  H-He's way out of my league," I muttered, looking towards the cute  freckled man as he and Eve finished their scene. His eyes met mine and I  quickly looked away, can't help the blush darkening on my cheeks as I  looked at Marie. "Please tell me he's not coming this way," I whispered  to her and she pressed her lips together.

"Hey, Y/N. It's time for  our scene," I heard his Australian accent seep through his American  accent as I looked up at him, nodding my head. He gave me a small smile  as I stood up, making my way towards the set as I glanced back at Marie,  seeing her give me a cheeky wink. I groaned louder than I wanted too,  getting a confused look from Bob. "You alright?" He asked and I gulped,  glancing towards him.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous and I hate  being in small places," I half-lied, tangling my fingers together as I  gave him a nervous grin.

"You'll do great. You always do," Bob  mumbled, his eyes roaming my body. My cheeks heat up under his gaze,  biting the inside of my cheek as we made it onto the set. Bob opened the  cage door for me and I could feel myself beginning to sweat, dropping  to my knees in front of him. I could see Bob's cheek flush a bit,  turning a bit pinkish as I chuckled, getting into the cage.

"Oh,  Jesus. Let's hurry this scene up," I told him and he nodded his head,  closing and locking the cage as he walked over to the place he was  supposed to stand.

"Alright and action!" The director yelled and I took a deep breath.

I  laid my face against the cage trying to see if any more of our people  were in here, but I couldn't see anything. I shook the door of the cage,  begging for it to miraculously open but it doesn't budge. I heard the  door open and my breath hitched in my throat, moving towards the back of  the cage as I pretended I wasn't there, trying to be as quiet as I  could, so I didn't get chosen next.

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