Kiss Me, Dammit.

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Praimfaya was coming closer and closer, the teens of Arkadia beginning to just let loose and go back to whatever the hell we want that Bellamy had stated our first day on the ground

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Praimfaya was coming closer and closer, the teens of Arkadia beginning to just let loose and go back to whatever the hell we want that Bellamy had stated our first day on the ground. I've been trying and trying to find a way that'll be able to save all of us, all twelve clans but I've come up with nothing. A few of our people, including Kane and Jaha, had gone out to talk to the flame-keeper at the capitol to see if there was a bunker there.

I walked out of the Ark, needing some air as I noticed Bellamy and Jasper walking out the gate, towards the woods. Where the hell are they going? My eyes roamed over Bellamy's figure as he was walking away, always have a soft spot for the freckled man. I thought we had a thing going, but then he got with Gina a few weeks after Clarke left camp then all hope inside my body had disappeared. Now with the end of the world days away, I don't know if he'll ever find out about my feeling towards him.

A hand tapped my shoulder and I jumped a bit, snapping out of my thoughts as I turned around, seeing Harper standing there with a smile on her lips. "Hey, Y/N. We're throwing a little party and was wondering if you wanted to come?" She asked and my lips parted. A party? Really? Is that necessary?

"Oh, Harp," I muttered, running a hand through my hair and before I could continue she cut me off.

"Y/N, come on. You've been working so hard to try and save everyone. Just take a break, for one night. Please?" Harper asked, giving me an innocent smile. I bit my lip, thinking that it could be fun and I could use the break.

"You know what? Yeah, I'll come!" I grinned and she clapped her hands excitedly, grabbing my hand before dragging me into the Ark, towards hanger bay. I could hear music playing as we got closer towards the area, bobbing my head to the catchy song. We walked through the doors into the bay, seeing people sitting on the floor, taking care of each other on one side and up the small ramp where the "bar" area is are just tons of people dancing and drinking.

A small laugh escaped my lips as I watched Harper walk towards everyone, dancing with a short blonde girl. "Y/N! Come on!" She yelled over the music and I nodded my head, slipping off my jacket, revealing the very low cut t-shirt I was wearing before heading towards the two girls. The three of us began dancing to the music, laughing and having a good time as a guy brought me a drink, giving me a small grin.

"Thank you," I mumbled, smelling the liquid in the cup, coughing a bit. Smells like Monty's old moonshine. I chugged the cup, needing to let go as I handed the cup back to the teen. Harper and I began to dance closer towards each other, her hands on my waist as mine rested on her shoulders, slowly rotating in circles.

"I come bearing fruit!" I heard Jasper yell and I turned my head towards him, seeing a familiar figure standing at the bottom of the ramp. Bellamy. The crowd around me cheers as I let out a little laugh, looking towards Harper and her blonde friend before looking back at Bellamy.

"You like him," the short blonde comments and I look down at her, my eyes wide as my lips moved like a fish out of water.

"W-What? N-No, I don't," I muttered, returning my gaze back to the freckled man, seeing his eyes on me, a look of surprise on his face. "Okay, maybe I do, but it's never going to happen."

"Are you crazy? I've seen him look at you from a distance so many times. Go ask him to dance," she grinned and my heartbeat picked up, gulping slightly as I nodded. I can do this, I got this. I took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm my heart rate as I slowly began to walk down the ramp, watching Bellamy look at the people that are not partying.

"Hey, Bell," I grinned, shoving my hands into my front pockets as he turned around, giving me a small smile.

"Hey, Y/N. Enjoying yourself?" He smirked, motioning towards the dance floor and I blushed a bit. "I didn't know you were such a good dancer."

"Eh, well you didn't really ask so how would you find out?" I joked, biting my lip softly. "Uhm, dance with me?" I asked, grabbing his hand in mine.

Bellamy looked towards the party before smirking at me, "I don't dance, princess." I licked my lips, leaning on my tippy toes bringing my lips to his ear.

"Aw come on, Bellamy. Please?" I whispered into his ear, laying a hand on his chest before dragging down his torso. His hand gripped my waist, hearing his breath become uneven as he looked down at me. "Come on. I promise it'll be fun," I smiled, beginning to pull him up the ramp by his hand.

Bellamy grinned as he squeezed my hand, now walking next to me as Jasper cheered. "Good idea! Let someone else save the world for once. I'm glad you're here as well, Y/N," he grinned, handing both of us a drink. The three of us clinked our cups, drinking the liquid that was inside them as Bellamy and I scrunched our faces together.

"God, that's disgusting," I laughed, placing the cup on the table. "Alright, this needs to come off," I mumbled, helping him take the backpack off his back, placing it somewhere else. We stood in the middle of the dance floor, swaying my hips to the song as Bellamy stood still, his eyes watching me. I shook my head, expecting this from him as I grabbed his hands, placing them on my hips as our bodies moved closer to each other.

I ran my hands up his chest, wrapping them around his neck as his eyes never left mine, feeling my heartbeat in my throat. Jesus Christ, we're so close... Bellamy's hands slid towards my lower back, his fingers dipping under the hem of my shirt. A small gasp left my lips as his cold fingers came into contact with my warm skin, looking up at him through my eyelashes. His other hand slides up my side, moving some hair out of my face before tilting my chin up.

"Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?" Bellamy whispered, his eyes glancing from my eyes to my lips. My breath hitches in my throat, gripping onto his jacket as I nodded my head, eyeing his lips as well.

"Kiss me, goddammit," I muttered, my fingers running through his curls as he leaned his head down, pressing his lips to mine. My heart skipped a beat, gripping his hair as I pulled him closer to me. One of his hands slid up my back, the other resting on the nape of my neck. I heard hollers and cheers around us as the two of us pulled away, glancing at everyone who was cheering.

A small blush covered my cheeks as Bellamy entwined our fingers, dragging me away from everyone. He brought me back to his room, closing the door behind us as he pressed me against the cool metal. Bellamy pressed his lips to mine again, my hands tearing his jacket off before running my hands through his hair once more. God, I love his hair.

"You're so beautiful," he breathed, moving his lips down my jawline. My eyes fluttered shut, moving my head to the side as he kissed the spot under my ear. Bellamy began to suck the skin, my fingers gripping his shirt as he bit down a small yelp escaping my lips.

"B-Bellamy," I moaned out as his hands took a hold of the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head before throwing it to the floor. His eyes trailed down my chest, staring at the black lace bra that was covering my breasts.

The attractive freckled man licked his lips a bit as his eyes looked into mine again, giving me a short kiss as his hands grabbed the back of my thighs, carrying me over to his bed. My back hit the mattress with a small bounce, laughing softly as I bit my lip.

"I-I really like you," I mumbled quietly, combing my fingers through his hair as he hovered over me. "And I wanted you to know before we perish in Praimfaya in a few days." Bellamy grinned, moving some of the hair from my face as he pressed a small kiss to my lips, rubbing my cheekbone.

"We're not going to perish. I'd do anything to make sure you're safe," he whispered and my vision began to blur from the tears pooling in my eyes.

"I don't wanna die, Bellamy," I muttered as a tear slid down my cheeks. He frowned, wiping the tears from my face as he sat up, pulling me up with him.

"You're not going to die, Y/N. I promise you," Bellamy reassured me, both his hands on my face. I nodded my head, leaning my forehead against his before he moved, pressing a gentle kiss to it, rubbing my back softly as we sat in each other's arms.


Author: ninja-stiles

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