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"So what happened last night?" Raven inquired as you stepped into the  dropship, it was a rainy day today so everyone was locked in the walls  of the drop ship too scared to leave.

Carnegie unused. There was a  diminishing number of The 100 and Clarke was working on another injured  criminal. The rain pattered on the ground turning the rich soil to mud.

Torrential  rain had attacked the ground in sheets, an impenetrable gunfire. The  rain spilled from the sky, it was raining so much that when you walked  in the torrent, all you could see was the water that poured from the  atmosphere. Fog settled on the 100 camp as you opened the curtain from  the drop ship to see how bad it was getting. This was a storm nobody  wanted to be caught in. Black clouds sprawl across the sky, rolling in  from the south.  Raven brought you out of your thoughts again.

"So  what happened last night?" She smirked once more. You turned to her  scrunching up your nose. There was nothing exciting that she would know  about that happened last night.

"Excuse me?" you quarried raising  an eyebrow at Raven. "What about last night?" She chuckled lightly  before pointing at Bellamy who was halfway up the ladder bossing some  kids around before he up into the upper level of the drop ship.

"What  happened with him last night?" she pressed. "You got Clarke, Octavia,  and I curious. Especially Octavia. So let me ask again. What's going on  with you and Bellamy." NObody had ever suspected that you and Bellamy  were a thing until now, and to be honest you didn't want anyone to know.

"Nothing that concerns you," You testified to her avoiding her meticulous brown eyes.

"It  may not concern me, but I'm curious."The wind from the outside made the  curtain flap from beside you. You looked down at hit and than back at  Raven.

"There's nothing to be curious about," You sibilated prompting her to laugh.

"Let's  not be enigmatic," She giggled. "How long?" Her face got serious and  she searched in your eyes for any emotion. You tried your best to hold  your composure. You didn't feel like lying anymore, you were caught and  she would make a big deal out of it if you weren't honest.

"Not long-"

"But how long." You sighed reluctantly turning your head to the side to stay clear of her gaze.

"A month? Maybe less. I don't know."  You got closer to her resorting to whispering. "Were we obvious?"

"God  no. Just... You weren't in your tent last night and when I walked by  Bellamy's tent I saw someone else's shadow from the lantern. Your  shadow. Than this morning I saw Bellamy's neck and the way he looked at  you. It became clear, but I wasn't sure." You didn't want anyone to know  about you and Bellamy, you would never hear the end of it from anyone.  Your heart dropped.

"Fuck, so embarrassing, Bellamy out of all  people too." You were disappointed especially with how he acted when you  first came down here. But he was so kind and protecting to you that you  couldn't resist.

"At Least he's hot." Raven pointed out. "And he  hasn't been looking at any girl recently, which now, I know why." You  bit your lip and brought your fingers to your mouth, biting down on your  thumb nervously. "What are you so anxious about?"

"That he's gonna start walking around with his shirt off again." She tilted her head, she looked puzzled for a second.

"Why are you nervous about th-"

"You  saw his neck, I left marks other places." Raven was overcome with  laughter as you frowned at her. "This isn't funny. I don't need people  calling me a freak or making fun of me for things I decide to do behind  closed doors."

You walked away from her residing behind Clarke as she patched up a boy who had a cut on his arm.

"I know about the debacle." You sighed angrily.

"Would you stop pestering me about it Clarke." Clarke giggled before sending the boy on his way.

"I  would hardly call it pestering. Just making sure that Bellamy didn't...  hold you against your will," She cracked a joke beginning to laugh as  she saw a small smile creep on your lips.

"That's... are you saying that he ... no comment." You laughed, knowing how Bellamy was when you first landed on Earth.

"But,"  She started, momentarily glancing at Raven and back at you. "Tell Raven  things about the issue very sparingly, she likes to... agitate." you  nodded knowing Raven well.

"MY ARM!" Someone yelled sending  everyone in to a frenzy. Bellamy was the first to make it out from the  ladder, jumping off the highest step. The wails of the girl continued  almost beating the rains thundering sound.

"What's happened?"  Bellamy deep voice bellowed in the drop ship. He searched for the yells  and set off in a direction immediately, you were hot on his trail. That  trail led to someone. It led to Raven.

Blood flowed from her arm like a river her yells were of pure agony. You gasped as you saw her.

"Raven," Bellamy spoke looking over at Clarke. She ran over our only medic.

"She needs a cloth." You watched as Bellamy reached for the hem of his shirt catching his hands in yours.

"Bellamy don't," You sternly spoke, but he brushes you off pulling his shirt over his body.

You  took a step back turning around before you could see it. You had seen  it this morning when Bellamy joked about how aggressive you were. And  now, the camp would see this, and they would start investigating.

"Bellamy  who you smashing," A boy yelled followed by whistles and whispers. A  laugh erupted from places around while others were just silent.

"Bellamy's  girl is a freak!" You looked over a Raven who smiled triumphantly,  taking Bellamy's shirt from him and wrapping it around her arm. You  turned back and looked at Bellamy. Purple patches littered his  collarbone and there was healing scratches on his back.

"I Bet it  was Y/N!" Someone yelled. "I Saw her walk into his tent." Bellamy walked  over grabbing your waist and pushing you in front of him.

"Upstairs  now!" He leaned down into your ear. You didn't hesitate, you made your  way to the ladder and climbed up, waiting for what Bellamy had in mind.


author: thehundrd

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