The Black Rain Blues.

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You were awaiting Bellamy's arrival most anticipated

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You were awaiting Bellamy's arrival most anticipated. Since learning about the end of the world, you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could. You knew that somehow you would survive. If not with the ark, then with you, Bellamy, and possibly Octavia. But you weren't so sure Octavia liked Bellamy anymore.

Today you just wanted to see Bellamy, the news had been hard on you. You didn't even get time to mourn your friend Lexa and now you have to mourn your own life before it ended. It's hard on you.

You and Bellamy had been together since the time he went to hide in Mount Weather. So a little over a year and a half ago you and Bellamy had started dating. Since that time, you and Bellamy were a household name to the skaikru and the other clans. You were the couple to beat. You fought together, hunted together, and saved together. You were a threat, and you liked it that way. Not to mention that every pre-teen, teenager, and young women had her eyes on your boyfriend. But you didn't mind, you liked that they hated you for something they could never have.

The cargo truck and rover came through the gates of Arkadia earlier than you had expected. Although you had wanted them to arrive early, you knew that shouldn't have been back until later. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, You ran towards the door of the truck to get to your boyfriend. Despite the odd timing, you were still happy to see Bellamy.

You could see Bellamy's hair from the driver's seat. You followed closely behind Kane to the rover to greet your boyfriend.

Bellamy had a hard couple of months. He had regretted everything he had down with Pike, and he was only now giving himself a break. Your boyfriend opened the car door as you impatiently expected him.

Bellamy walked towards you, a smile illuminated his features as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He let out a sigh, he hugged back tightly as your fingers knotted in his hair. "Why're you back so early bell?" you whispered, not pulling away from him.

"We were attacked by grounders." He huffed out. "One of them shot an arrow into a barrel of hydrazine, we lost one." Bellamy had been so stressed and this added to it. You hugged him tighter now, embracing him. You stood on your toes to reach him perfectly.

You and Bellamy were messy huggers. Every time you saw each other your hugs were so tight you usually lost balance and stumbled a little in each other's arms. Regaining his balance he chuckled and gave you a kiss, multiple kisses. One... two... three... all very fast, but sweet.

"It's okay Bell." You smiled kissing his neck. "I can fix it," You said seductively, joking with him to cheer him up.

"Princess," He chuckled looking at you and then glancing over at Kane with you still in his arms. You both pulled away but he kept his arm promptly around you.

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