Overprotective, Jealous, & Dominant Never Looked So Good.

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"I can't let you leave," Bellamy's words hung thick in your ear as he tried to stop you from leaving the gates of Arkadia. You walked towards the exit threatening to leave and go hunting for the afternoon. You would even possibly do a night trip. But Bellamy would not let you go. He didn't deem it safe enough for you. So instead he held a tight grip on your arm pulling you away from the exit.

"But you can't let me stay," You challenged him, trying to jerk your hand away. Nevertheless, it was a weak attempt and Bellamy's grip only tightened. At this moment he pulled you back forcefully, the movement twirled you around making you look face to face. Before you could loop around and run, Bellamy cut in front of you, blocking you from the exit.

"I can't have you running around while I'm in Mount Weather, it isn't safe," Bellamy interrupted.

"But I specifically told you not to go to Mount Weather or put yourself in harm's way. You didn't listen. So why should I listen to you?" You retorted at him. He let go of your arm letting you talk.

"That's different," he concluded.

"Why? Because Clarke told you too?" You inquired. "Clarke isn't your girlfriend. I bet if you told me to stay here and Monty coaxed me out into the forest you would object?" He bit his lip and looked away frustratedly.

"Y/N, I'm not talking about this right now, get in the fucking camp, now." You darkly chuckled at him.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do? Shoot me?"
"You're gonna listen to me because I told you to," He stated as if he made the rules. This wasn't just the 100 anymore, he can't do that.

"What if I don't?" You whispered, moving close to him and ghosting your lips over his to intimidate him.

"I have too much power over you, you always do as I saw, you always go weak for me," He admitted.

"You sure about that?" You questioned him. He forcefully grabbed your chin, tilting your head so he could whisper in your ear.

"If I had no power over you, then why did you get on your knees last night baby girl?" Your even breathes began to grow unsteady. "You listen to me over and over again, every night, because you can't resist me." He moved a piece of hair out of your face. "So if you leave, you won't have me anymore."

"Bellamy..." You trialed off biting his neck softly. "You'de be the one who suffers, not me."

Suddenly Harper's soft voice cut through the air as she shouted, you both shot away from each other looking in the direction of the shout. You glanced away from the exit and Bellamy and back at Harper. Bellamy looked over your shoulder locking eyes with Harper.

"Y/N!" she yelled through Arkada. "I got you a spot on the next hunting team!" she shouted. You turned back to Bellamy smirking at him victoriously.

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