I Can't Lose You // Bob Morley.

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I was lounging around the house Bob shared with some of the castmates  while they filmed. I've been feeling a bit under the weather for about a  week, not knowing if I ate something that didn't agree with me, was  sick, or something worse. I stared at my phone, wondering if I should  tell Bob how I've been feeling or just go see a doctor since he's really  busy with The 100. I dialed one of the primary care centers that were  around Vancouver, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello, Downtown Community Health Center how can I help you?" A women spoke as I sat on the couch, tapping my foot on the ground.

"Uh, yeah, hi. I-I was wondering if you guys did walk-ins?" I asked, my voice laced with nervousness.

"Yes, we do, ma'am. Is everything alright?" She asked and I combed my fingers through my hair.

"I'm  not sure. I've been feeling under the weather for about a week and  decided that I should see someone," I told her, letting out a small  sigh.

"Alright. Did you want to come in today?" She asked and I nodded my head, staying silent for a moment before realizing she couldn't see me.

"I'm sorry! Yes, today would be great. Can I be there for one?" I asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, absolutely. I'll write you in the book. What's your name?" She asked and I could feel the smile tugging at my lips.

"Uh,  Y/N Morley," I told her, my heart leaping at my own last name,  sometime's not believing that I'm actually married to Bob, my best  friend, and lover.

"Alright Y/N we'll see you real soon,"  she mentioned and I thanked her before hanging up the phone. I leaned  back against the couch, letting out a huff of breath as I rubbed my  hands on my face.

I toyed with the zipper of my wallet, as I sat in the waiting room of the clinic, waiting for my turn with the doctor. Jesus, my heart is beating a mile a minute. I jumped when my phone rang, an obnoxious ringtone playing loudly for others to hear as I quickly apologized.

"Hello?" I answered, not looking at who it was.

"Hey, love," Bob's voice sounded through the phone and I smiled, looking at the floor. "I wanted to call you since I left before you woke up. Are you doin' alright?" He asked, his Australian accent flowing through my body, almost making me shiver.

"Yeah,  babe. I'm fine, although I did miss you this morning," I grinned,  leaning back in the chair, playing with the cuff of my sweatshirt's  sleeve.

"I missed you too. I'm thinking we're not getting done until early morning, so you'll be alone for most the day," he told me and I frowned, rubbing my cheek.

"That's  okay. I can catch up on some shows I missed the day of the party last  week," I muttered, watching as someone walks through the door, motioning  me to come in. "Hey, babe, I gotta go. My laundry's done," I muttered,  getting up from the chair as I walked through the door, following the  doctor.

"Alright, babe. Oh! Can you do mine too, please! I love you," Bob told me, hearing the smile in his voice as I chuckled.

"Will  do. I love you too," I told him before hanging up the phone, placing it  back in my pocket. "Sorry about that. I didn't expect a phone call," I  told the doctor and she laughed, waving her hand.

"That's alright.  I'm Doctor Sarah Miller. Boyfriend?" She asked and I softly bit my lip,  showing her the wedding and engagement rings on my finger.

"Husband,  actually. We've been married for almost a year," I grinned, my  heartbeat picking up as I think back to my wedding day. The doctor  gently took my hand in hers, looking at the rings, smiling softly.

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