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You walked through the woods with your hair pulled back in a braid, searching for your friend, Octavia

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You walked through the woods with your hair pulled back in a braid, searching for your friend, Octavia. The two of you had met after the dropship had landed, but hadn't had much time for talking with the Grounders taking up their time.

Instead, you found Bellamy.

You had never gotten along well him. Perhaps it was his cockiness, or the way that he had ordered everyone around when we had first arrived, or maybe even because he had incessantly flirted with you from the very beginning. You weren't sure what it was, but you could not stand to be near him.

He made it seem as if he had the perfect life - which you knew he didn't - and it frustrated you to no end.

"Have you seen Octavia?" you asked him awkwardly, digging up dirt with the toe of her boot. Bellamy shook his head and let out a quiet sigh. He had propped himself up against a fallen log, with his legs bent and his elbows resting on his knees. Quite honestly, he seemed exhausted.

"No, but I think she's with Lincoln," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. You frowned at his attitude. While you didn't like the way he acted - hated it to be more truthful - you decided that sadness didn't suit Bellamy Blake in the slightest.

"You don't seem to be acting yourself," you commented quietly, taking a seat beside him. Bellamy chuckled dryly.

"What do you believe to be 'myself', (Y/N)," he mumbled, turning to look at you with tired eyes. You cleared your throat quietly.

"An egotistical ass who has way to much self confidence?" It came out as more of a question then you would have liked for it to, but you couldn't change it now. Bellamy let out a quiet chuckled and shook his head, leaning back so his head rested against the log.

"I guess you are kind of right," he mumbled with a forced smile, rubbing his eyes again. Your lips twisted into a light frown.

"Are you okay, Bellamy?" You asked him quietly, and he shrugged.

"It's more stressful then it looks to lead people," he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. You nodded, signalling him to continue. "I guess I'm just scared of someone else dying. I mean, it could be anyone I care about. Or anyone in general. It could be Octavia, Clarke, Finn, you, Raven -" You held up your hand.

"Why would it matter to you if I die?" you asked. "I mean, I don't plan on dying any time soon, but I'm just curious." He shrugged his shoulders awkwardly, looking you in the eyes for the first time since you'd sat down.

"You're important to Octavia, so you're important to me, (Y/N)," he stated simply while letting out another sigh. You chewed on your lip awkwardly and nodded hesitantly.

"Alright, well, I don't plan on dying any time soon," You told him with a small smile as you stood up. You held your hand out to him as an offer to help him up, but Bellamy shook his head.

"I think I'm just going to sit here for a while," he told you quietly and you nodded, allowing your arm to fall to your side.

The two of you stood in a comfortable - for once it wasn't awkward - silence before you cleared your throat, inevitably breaking it.

"I think I'm going to go and find your sister." Bellamy glanced up at you before returning his attention back to the soil covered ground. "But just so you know, I think that you and Clarke are great leaders." You chewed on your lip before shooting him a small smile. "Being truthful, I still like Clarke better."

You heard him let out a breathy laugh as you walked away from him, and a small smile found its way to your lips. While you still may like Bellamy the same way the other girls did, you certainly did understand him better.

But he was starting to grow on you.


Author: hi-im-hella-awkward

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