Black Rain 2.0.

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As the rover and truck arrived in Arkadia you knew something was wrong

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As the rover and truck arrived in Arkadia you knew something was wrong. They had told you this would have been a day-long trip, not a five hour one. Although you missed Bellamy and were excitedly awaiting his arrival, you knew that something was wrong. From the looks of it, they didn't even drop off the much-needed hydrazine to Raven. That was an indicator that something went wrong. You raised your eyebrow and squinted your eyes, looking in the truck to see if it was Bellamy. Sure enough, you saw the boy with loose curls driving the truck with a frustrated look on his face. You and Kane had run up to greet them.

Bellamy stepped out the truck, sighing as he saw you a Kane. Bellamy and you instantly embraced each other. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he secured his hands around your torso. He stroked your hair and pulled you closer to his chest. The warmth of being with another human and being happy made him want to forget what he had to tell you and Kane. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around your small body. You squeezed him as he squeezed you back. But the hug was an exchange of pure joy between you and Him.

"What happened?" You asked before you release him and stood next to Kane. Bellamy looked down disappointedly.

"The grounders attacked,' He ran his fingers through his hair. "They shot a barrel of hydrazine, it's gone. We didn't want to risk anymore loses so we came back." You smiled at him sympathetically as he weakly smiled back. Kane patted him on the back.

"Well... welcome back." Suddenly there was a thunderous boom that made you shudder, you looked up to the sky seeing the dark pillows roll into the once blue upper atmosphere. The wind screamed, a violent gust of wind swept through Arkadia, rattling the watchtowers, and fiercely, pushing trees, humans, and animals in every direction. The trees bend and moaned, branches tore off like paper clips. You grabbed onto Bellamy as everyone watched the sky. A raindrop hit your arm, you instantly pushed away from Bellamy rubbing your arm.

"Black Rain," Bellamy said to you both as Kane's face turned into concern.

"Sound the alarm." Rain began to fall faster.

"BLACK RAIN!" Kane called to the people of Arkadia. "LEAVE YOUR THINGS AND GET INSIDE NOW!" People screamed running inside to find shelter. Rain started to fall like stones from the sky, the acid hissed against your skin, it itched and burned. This storm, more wicked than any in living memory, is watched through debris that tumbles in the vortices, heavy like bullets, destroying anything and everything.

"Get inside Y/N! Now!" Bellamy pushed you, running to get a tarp, before handing you his jacket.

You put the jacket over your head shielding you from the rain. But as you ran in you felt your feet give up beneath you and the push from everyone made you trip and fall. Everyone ran in despite the fact there was a helpless girl on the ground. You tucked yourself into a ball, pulling Bellamy's jacket over you trying to shield the deadly rain. It helped but your ankles and back peeked through and got burned. You yelped in pain, waiting for someone to come and save you. You peeked out from the jacket seeing everybody inside.

"Where's Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice yell from inside. There was the noise of disaster from inside, Bellamy probably throwing something or flipping things over. But then you heard his yells. "Y/N!" You heard a yell. "Kane, help me please." It began to get worse. Bellamy's jacket began to soak up all of the water, the acid rain was going to get to you.

The pain isn't just sharp like a needle point or a knife, it's like holding a hot knife to your skin over and over again. Everything feels scalded and, move or not, you're in more pain than I could have ever imagined was possible. A bullet would be mercy right now.

You felt arms pick up your body, bringing you into a chest. You knew it was Bellamy. He cradled you in his chest as Kane brought a tarp over your burning body, running in.

"You're okay," Bellamy whispered to you as he ran in. "I love you."

Bellamy was in panic, he set you down on a bed. He threw you shirt off leaving you in your sports bra and pulled your leggings down maniacally. He was in shock, he was scared. He pulled the barrel of water over to your bed and began to seriously pour the water from his hands over your body, rubbing the burned areas before flipping you over and doing the same.

Finally, your pain subsided and you looked up at Bellamy. Concern was over his face as he looked at you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, stroking your cheek and kissing the top of your head. You nodded.

"Thanks to you," you smiled at him before wrapping your arm around his neck, pulling his head towards your own for s kiss, but instead he kissed your neck. Warmth radiates from the spot where his lips just touch it, slowly spreading through the rest of you. He placed another kiss there before coming up to your lips and capturing yours with his. His chaste lips felt nice against your soft ones, as he slowly kissed you.

He pulled away slowly admiring the curve of your nose, and the dip in your lips. His admiration for you became stronger with age, more mature, and more robust. You always wanted to resort to kind, you always put others first, but you weren't afraid to do whatever to survive. You weren't afraid to kill. No matter what happened between you and Bellamy you made an imprint in his life that nobody has, and seeing you, there, in danger made him realize how much he truly loved you.


Author: thehundrd

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