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Things have gotten heated at Arkadia ever since we found our people  from farm station. Pike who was an old teacher from the Ark who taught  us "criminals" about earth skills a few weeks before we were sent to the  ground, has decided to take matters into his own hands.

I made my  way towards the front gate, gun hanging by my side as the gate opened,  ten of our own, including Bellamy, walking through covered in blood. I  came to a stop, eyes wide as I ran up to him. "Oh my god, Bell," I  muttered, placing my hands on his face, moving it around to try and find  any injuries.

"Hey, hey, I'm fine," he whispered, placing his large hands on my forearms. I let out a sigh, relieved that he's okay.

"What happened?" I asked him and before he could answer, Pike came up to us.

"Good  job planning that attacks, Bellamy," he mentioned to my boyfriend and  my heart plummets, looking back at the olive-skinned man.

"What?" I  whispered, stepping back from him as tears began to pool in my eyes.  "Bellamy, please tell me you didn't jeopardize our alliance?" I asked  and he stayed silent, his head hung low. A couple tears slid down my  cheeks as I began to walk away from him, shaking my head.

"Y/N,  wait," Bellamy called out and I stopped in my tracks, hearing him  running up to me. He stood in front of me, attempting to move a strand  of hair out of my face, but I back away from him. Hurt filled his dark  brown eyes, watching them become glossy as he let out a breath. "Look,  I-I just thought I was doing what was right for our people," he  whispered and I scoff.

"Help our people? Help?! You killed three  hundred grounders that weren't even attacking us! How are you helping  our people by painting a giant fucking target on our backs!?" I  yelled, gaining the attention of people around us. Bellamy just stood  there pressing his lips together as he placed his hands on his hips.

I  walked away from everyone before I broke down, feeling absolutely  betrayed by my own goddamn boyfriend. I went into my room, slamming the  metal door shut behind me as I let out a scream, throwing my rifle  across the room. I punched the wall, letting out a small cry as the pain  in my hand intensified. A sob escaped my lips, squeezing my eyes shut  as I held my hand to my chest, collapsing to the floor, banging the back  of my head off the wall.

A knock on the door made me jump,  clearing my throat. "One minute," I muttered, wiping the tears from my  cheeks, making sure I look presentable before opening the door. A  worried Octavia stood on the other side and I gave her a small smile.  "Hi, Octavia."

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders, fiddling with my fingers.

"I  don't know, honestly. Hurt? Betrayed? Both maybe," I mumbled, leaning  my hand on the door, wincing as I remembered that it was injured. I  looked down at my hand, my vision becoming fuzzy as I stumbled slightly.  "O, I don't feel so well," I slurred, my eyes rolling into the back of  my head before I fall forward.

"Woah, Y/N?!" Octavia called out,  catching me as the world around me was surrounded by darkness. "Somebody  help, please!" She called out, seeing nobody coming to help because of  the way she was dressed; as a grounder.

Octavia wrapped her arms  around my limp body, dragging me towards medical as she grunted, almost  dropping me a few times. "Abby! I need help!" She yelled and the door to  medical opened, Abby, coming through it. Her eyes widened once she saw  me unconscious in Octavia's arms, falling out for Jackson before running  over to us.

"What happened?" Abby asked, pressing her fingers to my neck, checking for a pulse. "Her pulse is stable."

"I  went to go see her after she yelled at Bellamy to see how she was  feeling and she suddenly passed out. I-I don't know how," Octavia  stammered as Jackson took me from her arms, carrying my body into  medical, lying me on the bed.

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