Reunite, Sex, Lose, Repeat.

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Bellamy's heart nearly stopped when he didn't see you chipped. It had only been five days since you were gone, you chipped yourself for him. A smiled illuminated your face as you got up from the pedestal Indra was being taken down off of. And you picked up speed, so fast that your foot slipped from the mud on the ground, but you quickly regained balance, running through the yard to get to him. His arms slowly rose outward welcoming you into a hug.

From the force of your running he stumbled backward and chuckled a little, you looked back at Clarke momentarily nodding your head as a sign of respect to her. After Lexa died, seeing any affection concerning another couple was hard for her. Bellamy and you stumbled together in your hug before his raised your mouth to meet his. His lips brushed yours, and you could see his mouth beginning to form words. "Mine." He muttered, "I'm never letting you out of my sight again."

And he brought your lips to his. Not innocently, none of that was left from the both of you. It was a yearning kiss, the feeling of longing emotions weighed in. It was like a tease of hot, fiery fire, passionate and demanding. You lost balance for a second, you two were both so clumsy when you embraced each other. In this long-awaited moment, your senses have been seduced and you could no longer think of anything other than Bell. "Bellamy" you whispered slowly, prolonging each letter, for the time you spent apart. You both smile, his hands cupping the sides of your face and no longer your waist. His smile grew brighter and he laughed a little before kissing your forehead and bringing you into his chest hugging you once more. Never before have you felt so at home in someone else's arms than your own.

You pulled away, before pulling Clarke into a hug. "You did this didn't you Barbie?" She laughed a little, it was awkward. Almost as if she was hiding something.

"Bellamy will fill you in, but yes." You smiled at her before turning to Bellamy as Clarke walked away. Bellamy looked at you, you could see the bad news forming on his tongue, but you weren't discouraged, that's all you knew.

"We only 6 months to live." His deep voice wrung in your ear. It reverberated through your system. Only 6 months left to live. You had so many questions.

"Alie told Clarke that with the radiation levels that are to come, will kill us all. Mobody will live. So she created a city in the mind where we could live, but we destroyed it." He could see your happiness drain and quickly said something, anything, to make you feel better. "But we'll survive, we always find a way." You smiled at him, brushing one of his loose curls from his face.

"I know we will, Bell." you gleamed at him. "But this is our last months on earth, let's make it great."
"Of course, tree girl." A nickname Bell gave you when you began converging yourself into the grounders.

"Just don't call any other girls princess but me," you sternly spoke playfully.

"Princess, how about we start off the 6 months with a little fun, I don't think Clarke would mind, after all, it is the end of the world."

"Lead the way, sky boy."


It had begun to rain and so far you were back at Arkadia with Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Harper, and Monty. Your plan was to go to his room, but you were both intercepted with the classic ark problem-solving meeting. And just as much you were immersed in the conversation to help save the ark and stay alive, you wanted Bellamy. And you felt guilty for wanting him so bad, but you couldn't help yourself. Clarke had dismissed you all from the meeting and you and Bellamy had returned to Bellamy's room. You hadn't been there in a while.

"So we have to find the machine, and that's-" Bellamy had smacked his arms around you pulling him into your chest and kissing down your neck gently.

"No more talk about that." He quickly turned your around, ghosting his lips over yours, kicking the door shut with this foot. "I've been wanting to do this all day."

In one swift movement, his mouth found yours and breathed you into him. Lust and desire had finally taken over after all those nights of worry, he had you.

He covered your mouth with his hungry kiss, again, as your hands knotted in his hair, sliding down his neck. He pulled his shirt off quickly, interrupting the kiss. His mouth was warmer than anyone could have suspected. He kissed down your neck once more, nipping and biting at the sensitive skin. You opened your mouth and a low moan reverberated into his ear, sending him into a frenzy. Your hands flew to his neck as he moved his hands to the bottom of your thighs picking you up. He held you into the hair, pushing your back into a wall as you aggressively attacked each other with your lips. His smooth lips worked against your soft ones each kiss sparking something more inside the both of you. He kept his hands tight around your thigh as your hands hung loosely around his neck. He turned you both around. You took the initiative to slip your tongue into his mouth.

He gently laid you down on the bed as you both started to explore each other. Mouth, hands, feet, bodies were all in a jumble as you moved your hands to his biceps and then to his hair. You could hear Bellamy's steady breathing and the smell of mint toothpaste he had probably used five minutes before. His hands moved to the bottom of your shirt as he fumbled with the hem. You got up pulling it over your head returning back to the kiss. He reluctantly left the kiss moving towards your stomach kissing down your bare abdomen. Your breathing hitched as you watched Bellamy pull down your shorts and return back to your lips. Your hands flew to his towel and tugged on it unraveling it slowly. He moved down once again, sliding off your panties and lightly tossing it behind him. He spread your legs slowly, taking a look at you.

His tongue plunged between you, tasted you. He hands pushed your thighs farther and farther apart. He continued until you were moaning out his name. Raw, intense, he plundered with his tongue. He consumed you like fire. It came in long, slow licks, curling in a slick promise at the hard center of her pleasure. And it felt like forever.

"Bell," you gasped out, as he responded with a hum. The room was full of the sound of your moans and his low grunts. He suddenly pulled out, traveling back up to your lips. "Bella-,"

"No talking," he shushed you. "You are mine," he grunts out. You felt the tip brush you. And he didn't give you a warning like he usually did. He pumped into you, the length of his arousal harsher than before. He doesn't slow the movement, giving you full, hard thrusts. You gasped and gripped onto him as your body stretched to accommodate him. The feel of him was growing more familiar. And he slowed down, locking eyes with you only for a second. He made you feel safe.

You brought your arms around his neck and leaned your head on his shoulder. He thrust faster and faster, both our your moans getting louder. You could hear Bellamy muttering unsteady I love you's under his breath. "Y/N," He moaned loudly. You both let yourselves release. You come undone easily after that. He slowly exited falling back next to you. He pulled back the covers helping you get under and then himself. He pulled the covers over his body. The moonlight peeking through your window showcased the beads of sweat on his forehead. He leaned down and kissed your head. And pulled you to him, sticking to each other like duct tape.


Author: thehundrd

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