Comic Con Date // Bob Morley.

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I was just stepping out of the shower when the someone knocked on my  door. I furrowed my eyebrows, not exactly expecting someone as I  tightened the grip on my towel, heading for the front door. I looked  through the small peephole, seeing Bob standing outside my door and I  bit my lip. Oh god. What do I do? Do I answer like this and HIGHLY tease him or hurry and get dressed? Ah, fuck it.

I  twisted the doorknob, opening the door a smudge, gaining the attention  of the curly haired man as a grin made its way onto his lip. "Bob, hey,  what are you doing here?" I asked, hiding my body from sight as he  leaned a hand on the doorframe.

"I've come to surprise you... surprise!" He smiled, chuckling slightly as did I. Yup, it's a surprise alright. "Can I come in, love?"

"Uh,  y-yeah, come in," I muttered nervously, clearing my throat as I opened  the door all the way, revealing the fluffy towel that's covering my body  as Bob's eyes widened, watching his Adam's Apple bob in his throat.

Bob  walked into the apartment and I closed the door behind him, turning to  face him as his eyes seemed to roam over my figure making my cheeks heat  up. "I-I seemed to have come at a wrong time?" He questioned and I  shrugged my shoulders.

"I already finished my shower, plus I chose  to answer the door this way. I could've made you wait until I got  dressed," I laughed, tucking a wet strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm  glad you didn't..." Bob whispered quietly, not meaning for me to hear it,  but I do. I licked my lips, stepping towards him before pressing a  short kiss to his cheek.

"I'm gonna get dressed real quick, be right back," I mumbled, walking towards my bedroom. "Make yourself at home, Bobby."

I  come back into the living area after throwing on a pair of leggings and  a tank top, seeing Bob sitting down on the couch, scrolling through his  phone as I stood behind him, running my fingers through his hair. Bob  leaned his head on the back of the couch, looking up at me with a smile  on his lips.

"Ah, took you long enough," he joked and I playfully  hit his shoulder, shaking my head as I continued trailing my fingers  through his brunette curls.

"Can't rush beauty," I replied, giving him a small smirk as he made a humming noise.

"Ain't  that the truth. You look gorgeous... as always," Bob complimented, one of  his hands reaching back. I met his hand in the middle, feeling his  fingers softly tangle with mine as I couldn't stop the smile coming to  my lips.

I leaned forward, softly kissing his forehead before  resting mine against it. "God, you make me so happy," I whispered,  feeling my heart beating slightly faster in my chest.

"You make me  happy too," I heard him whisper, gently squeezing my hand as I  untangled our fingers, walking over to the other side of the couch as he  stood up, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I hugged his torso,  resting my head against his chest as we stood in each other's arms for a  couple minutes.

I pull away from him, smiling at the freckled man  as the two of us sat down on the couch. "So, what do I owe the pleasure  of your surprise visit?" I asked, leaning my arm against the back of the couch, sitting sideways as I faced him.

"Well,  as you may or may not know, Comic Con is coming up and our show is one  of the panels and everything," Bob told me as I nodded, quite aware of  this since Marie's been talking to me about it. "And I was wondering if  you wanted to come with me... as a date."

I bit my lip, getting a  bit nervous about this idea... especially because of his fanbase. I don't  want them to send me hate and shit because I'm technically seeing Bob.  "O-Oh, is that – is that a good idea?" I asked, licking my lips as I  tangled my fingers together, looking down at them.

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