City of Light.

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Arkadia has been a little stranger than it already has been after  Jaha miraculously showed up. It's one thing that Pike and his goons are  jeopardizing our lives by going to war with the grounders, but being  told that the City of Light is real and all you have to do is take a  chip? No, no way I'm believing that shit.

Jaha has already talked  to many of the people here about it, most of them fascinated by the idea  of their pain being taken away, but suddenly backed down after Raven  stepped in, dissing the idea.

I watched Bellamy from afar as him  and Pike were having a couple of drinks, sighing a bit as I shook my  head, can't believe that he took his side. After all we've been  trying to do, earning the grounder's trust, those two screwed it up and  now Bellamy barely speaks to me. It's heartbreaking honestly, the guy  you've been pinning on since you landed on the ground a few months ago  not giving you the time of day. Well not as much as he used too.

Someone  sat down in front of me and I looked over, mentally cursing myself as  Jaha sat across from me, a creepy smile on his lips while his fingers  were laced together. "Hello, Y/N," he stated, almost sounding monotone  as I gave him a small smile.

"Jaha, to what do I owe the  pleasure?" I questioned, looking the ex-Chancellor as he chuckled  quietly, pulling something out of his pocket before placing it down in  front of me. The chip, of course. "Look-," I started, but he held up his hand, cutting me off.

"Let  me talk. I know you're skeptical about it. You and Raven both, but if  you take this-," his finger tapped the milky colored hexagon, "-you  won't feel any more pain. Wouldn't you like that? To not feel the pain  of the ones you lost in Mount Weather? Or the ones you lost because of  the Grounders? Or maybe you would like to escape the pain of being  invisible to Bellamy Blake," Jaha stated and I narrowed my eyes at him,  scoffing.

"Pain makes you human," I growled, shoving the chip towards him before getting up, walking away from him when I heard him speak again.

"I  know she's strong. Don't worry... we'll get her to come around  eventually." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, looking back at him to  see he's sitting alone, no one around him. What the hell...

I  reluctantly joined Kane's alliance with Lincoln, Octavia, Abby, Harper,  Miller, and Sinclair agreeing with them that Pike needs to be stopped  before we're all slaughtered or we cross a line that can't be undone.  Marcus and I were sitting in cargo bay where the Rover was parked,  silently watching Sinclair make his way towards the vehicle, going to  attempt to fuck with it.

My eyes went to Bellamy as he walked into  the area with two other guards, walking straight towards Sinclair as  his eyes made contact with Kane's. A breath hitched in my throat as  Sinclair was arrested, gulping my eyes went towards Kane, seeing him  looking at Bellamy with wide eyes. This needs to stop.

"Bellamy!"  I called out, getting out of my seat as I made my way towards him. His  eyes met mine, his face falling a bit as he diverted his direction  towards Kane, coming to me instead.

"Hey, I can't talk right now," he muttered and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well,  too bad. We're gonna have a little chat," I demanded, grabbing his  forearm, leading him to a more secluded spot. I bring him to Raven's  workplace, not seeing her anywhere before as the door closes behind me.  "What are you doing?" I asked, frowning at the tall freckled man in  front of me.

Bellamy furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head to  the side. "What are you talking about?" He asked, placing his hands on  his hips, a stance he does a lot.

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