Talk It Out.

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Heavy breaths filled the small room as I grabbed the flashlight from my backpack, shining it around the place we were in

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Heavy breaths filled the small room as I grabbed the flashlight from my backpack, shining it around the place we were in. It was old, rusty bunker with another door leading to bigger room where there was only the basic furniture spread out across the place. It wasn't much pleasant place, but for a hiding from the deadly fog it was more than enough.

"Looks like we're trapped here for a while," Bellamy's breathless voice beamed trough the room as he followed me into the room just after securing the exit.

"Make sure not to talk to me," I grumbled, slumping into the armchair, a cloud of dust rising from the fabric as I did so. As I ran my hand through my messy, sweaty hair, I couldn't stop wondering what had I done that I had to ran into exactly that person on my escape from the fog.

"How long are you planning on being like this?" Bellamy's face turned into a frown as he threw his bag onto the ground before folding his arms.

"Like what?" I raised my eyebrows, briefly glancing at him standing just a few feet in front of me.

"Like you couldn't stand me," Bellamy shrugged, but I could see the tension in that movement as he cautiously watched my face for the reaction.

"Well, until it'll be like that," I shrugged back, paying my attention to unzipping my jacket.

"You're still mad? You can't be still mad at me for that." I could hear a frustrated sigh leave the man's lips as he leaned his back against the wall. As he reminded me of the scene he had made a day ago, my mood sunk even lower.

"Can't I?" I wondered out loud with my gaze still wandering around the room before reminding him of the reason behind my attitude. "You scolded me as a child in front of the whole camp just because I disagreed with you. I think I have a reason to be mad."

"You disobeyed me," Bellamy stated matter-of-factly without thinking.

"Do you even listen to yourself?"I snapped, my head sharply shot up with a hard glare plastered on it. His words made my veins filled with anger as behavior like that always made my blood boil. "I don't take orders from you. I am not under your command."

"You're my girlfriend," Bellamy exclaimed, his gaze somehow calm which drove me even more mad.

"That doesn't mean you own me. You can't tell me what to do," I flew from the armchair, raising my voice which was laced by anger just as was my expression.

"I am doing it all for your own good," Bellamy retorted, making me wonder how much dumb he actually was and if he was even listening to me.

"Bellamy, just stop talking. Seriously, you're just making it worse," I shook my head with a hard gaze on my face. He frowned at first, opening his mouth, but as he saw the look on my face, he closed it once again with defeated look. "Try to use your mind when acting, until then, leave me alone."


The time passed awfully slow, it was as if the seconds took ten times longer to pass. I had gone from restlessly pacing around to exploring the forgotten items on the shelves and ended up reading an old, dusty book with my body laid across the unmade bed.

"The fog is still out there, it looks like we'll be trapped here all night so we can as well take some sleep," Bellamy's tall frame emerged from the other room as he approached the bed, sitting down on the edge of the free side.

"What the hell you think you're doing?!" I furiously sat up as I understood he planned on sleeping on the bed as well. However, after all the recent events between us, I couldn't see it happening. "I am not sleeping next to you. Take the damn sofa."

There was a few long moments of silence after a long sigh had left Bellamy's lips. His back was slightly turned to me as he stayed sitting in his spot motionless, but by the way he held his shoulders I knew he was lost in his thoughts. I started to get irritated by lack of the reaction from his side when he finally turned his gaze to mine, taking a small breath before parting his lips.

"I am sorry, princess, okay?" He turned his body so he was sitting right in front of me, his face held genuinely sorrow look as he kept his hands loosely placed on his lap. "You were right in everything. The way I acted was awful and I had no right for that. I just... I was so damn scared something would happen to you. And when you came back I just couldn't keep it together."

My eyes fell onto my lap as my mind momentarily drifted to the reason behind that all. It was a stupid fight at first, yet nothing unusual. As many times before I had wanted to join the hunting party and as many times before Bellamy hadn't let me. However, this time I decided I wouldn't listen to him as sneaked out of the camp on my own, not even bothering to catch up with the hunters. That was bound to be met with Bellamy's displeasure once I came back and the fight was rather huge.

"Yeah, I was mad at you for doing what you did, because let's be honest, it was reckless and childish how you sneaked out on your own just to prove me your point," he paused with a slightest hint of smile and I had to nod as I took in what he had said, agreeing, with a dose of displeasure, that what I had done was highly stupid. "But I was also beyond mad at myself for not realizing you'd do it and for letting you put yourself into danger just because of my stubbornness. But, please, don't let me loose you just because of my stupidity. I love you so much and my life would be hell without you."

"Well, your words make sense," I shrugged. I was happy to finally hear that he came back to his senses and realized his wrong and I could see it on his face that he was being honest. However, I couldn't just forgive and forget, but I settled on the fact that he deserved a chance to make it up.

"Am I sensing a second chance, princess?" Bellamy's eyes filled with hope as he read my expression, his body moved closer to mine as his hands brushed slightly against mine.

"But it's really precious second chance that won't happen again," I gave him a firm look as I placed my hands over his.

"I love you so much, baby,"he breathed out with a relieved smile, carefully leaning forward at first and once he saw I wasn't backing away he crashed his lips against mine, pushing me down with his body hovering over mine. I smiled, satisfied as I kissed back, until I felt a grin forming on his lips and a tickling feeling all around my tummy.

"Okay, Bell, stop it! It tickles!" I frowned trying to push him away, but was unsuccessful as he just grinned, letting his hands tickle me more. "No, you know very well that I don't look like it, but I bite."

"Oh, yeah, that's right," Bellamy smirked planting a chaste kiss onto my lips before resuming the tickling, which made the smile on my face turn into frown again.

"I am serious, stop it or you'll be exiled onto the couch," I gave him the best serious look I could master, pushing his hands away, which he then held up in surrender.

"As you wish, princess," the man smiled as he pressed a kiss against my temples, his eyes making it clear his mind was now at much more ease, which made me smile as well as I found it easier to breath with everything all right again.


Author: beautiful-chaos-blake

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