Cat & Mouse Part 2.

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She helped Jasper sort the berries and nuts after their latest scavenging

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She helped Jasper sort the berries and nuts after their latest scavenging. Bellamy watched from afar while Clarke tried, hopelessly, to get his attention.

"Bellamy, get over her already, you admitted that you don't want to date her and-" but Bellamy cut her off.

"Yeah I don't," he grumbles, annoyed at the blatant lie he just told. Clarke rolls her eyes and gets back to her plan about making peace with the Grounders.

Bellamy nodded his head absentmindedly as Clarke spewed off ideas for him to bounce back to, but he just agreed with everything.

"So, it's settled?" Clarke asks.

"Yup," Bellamy, again, agreed. Clarke smirks and walks towards Monty, leaving Bellamy to stand there.

Y/N laughed at an awful impersonation of Bellamy that Jasper was doing, "He is nothing like that." She laughs.

"No," you're right, "He is more like 'oh my gosh I am so in love with Y/N. Haven't you seen how her hair flows in the sunlight? She's like a unicorn.' Gag me," Jasper pretends to choke. She laughed for a moment before rolling her eyes.

"Come on Jasper, you know by now, Bell has hooked up with other girls since he said he didn't want to date me. He doesn't like me," she defends lamely. Jasper scoffs.

"Then tell him to stop talking about you," he pauses for a moment, looking over the young girl's shoulder, "and staring at you, it's just getting creepy right now."

Y/N whips her head over to see Bellamy. She felt a pang in her heart. An aching, longing, for him to talk to her, but they have been keeping their relationship strictly professional since the night of the bonfire. Bellamy got tired of her teasing so he kissed her, but it freaked him out before she got to tell him how she felt, He brushed it off as he was tripping on some wild berries and thought she was someone else.

It hurt her, but she slowly got over it.

Who was she kidding, not she didn't. She was and still is madly in love with Bellamy Blake and anyone who did have eyes could see that. Clarke and Monty are the only ones who bother with helping them get to admit their feelings because they are the ones most affected by their odd behavior.

Clarke got a fire going as soon as nightfall landed, getting her plan in action as Monty and Jasper got a select few to stay out and tend the fire. Them being Octavia, Lincoln, Harper, Nathan, Bellamy, and Y/N. They were all up chatting about how life on Earth is different from the Ark and different stories Lincoln has told about how life was down here before the hundred came down.

As soon as all the laughter settled down, Monty had spoken up, "Hey, let's play a game."

Everyone groaned except Clarke and Jasper.

"No Monty, last time we played a game, I ended up losing all of my clothes," Octavia complains.

"Not my fault you agreed to it, you could have jumped ate the berries," Monty laughed.

"And trip balls, no thanks," she brushed it off. Everyone laughs a little at their spat.

"I promise there will be no stripping tonight," Monty unwillingly says. Octavia's face lit up, "But that does not exclude anything else. Everything is on the table." Monty smirks.Y/N laughs at Octavia's sunken face. Lincoln wraps his arms around her to keep her from pouncing on Monty.

"The game is Truth or Dare, sounds childish, but apparently it was some big game over a hundred years ago, and I figured we could pick it up again," Monty shrugs as if he had no other reason behind it. Everyone agreed, not thinking of the consequences to arise.

"So who goes first?" Y/N asks. Jasper gives Clarke a little nod.

"I'll go," Clarke smirks at Bellamy.

Everyone watches her in suspense as Bellamy gulps. Knowing that everything was on the table terrified him endlessly. What she could ask him to do could make a grown man cry. He would know, he has been co-leaders with this girl for almost a year now.

"Bellamy, truth or dare."


Author: kiabee01

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