Jealous Bellamy and Lost Hydrazine.

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"Bellamy you talk to every single girl you see that has a nice face."  you were angry at him again. You thought that maybe after learning that  Octavia hated him, that he wouldn't try to make his girlfriend hate him  too. He had a lot of redemption to do, and this was not helping him at  all.
"Okay but it's not like I like them." He was giving short  answers, brushing it off as if your feelings don't matter. It didn't  matter that he didn't like them, he was to close and it was making you  uncomfortable.
"Mira, if you keep doing this I will hurt you. You  are walking on eggshells," You ran your hands through your hair. "With  everyone. If I don't like it, don't do it simply." He looked at you. It  didn't take him long to realize he was wrong, after Pike he opened his  mind more. He had realized what he was doing to you and it wasn't okay,  but he still acted as if it wasn't a big deal.
"Okay, fine, I'm sorry... won't happen again, can we go now."
So you left with Roan, Clarke and your boyfriend Bellamy, to bring Raven the hydrazine she needed.

Roan  and you had grown close. You would never willingly choose to spend your  time with the Kind of The Ice Nation unless you had to. Trying to save  the world put a lot of stress on someone but it united people. It united  like-minded individuals and the complete opposite. It united someone  from the Ice Nation and the Skaikru. You and Roan had the same fighting  strategy, a self-code of honor, the love for your people, and something  to bond over. But on top of that, you two were capable of having very  deep conversations with each other, and while Bellamy was off helping to  save mankind some other way, you were most likely with Roan. Of course,  he never knew that you and Roan were as close as you were. He just  thought you were friends. If he did know how close you were, he would be  skeptical, because no girlfriend of his would be walking around with  The Ice Nation King looking to close for comfort.

Bellamy never knew about your close friendship, until you were reunited with him to save Clarke.
You and Bellamy had been going strong for a while, you two had unequivocally fallen in love with him.
All  through the day you and Roan had been making jokes and when you first  saw him you gave him a hug, Bellamy didn't like that. He didn't like  that you decided to sit in Roan's truck instead of his, but you did. It  didn't help that you had a fight just before this either. It felt like  you were miles away.
But now, Clarke was taken and you had to get her back.
You looked at the two boys in front of you.

"Clarke  was taken, with the hydrazine, we need to get her back, and fast," You  fumed at both Roan and Bellamy. "If they somehow destroy, or take the  hydrazine we will not only lose a way to live but be killed by the bombs  they will make." Roan chuckled a little.

"Yes,  princess," Roan laughed at you, earning a sly smile that popped onto  your features. Bellamy looked at you and Roan, anger boiled and his  fists clenched. You had already hopped into the passenger side of the  car when Roan spoke again, this time you couldn't hear. "You got lucky  with her, a true warrior, just don't make her mad," he chuckled before  getting into the back of the truck and leaving a hostile Bellamy.

As  soon as Bellamy got in the driver's side you knew something was wrong  when he slammed the door with the force he had. Roan had taken a seat on  the top of the rover for easy access to jump onto the other one and get  Clarke. However, the way the Bellamy slammed the door early shook the  whole truck and left you speechless, might have just been for him.

"Bell,  what's happened," You inquired, grabbing his chin and pecking them. He  didn't respond, leaving you feeling unsure. But he began to drive. He  drove through the forest quickly.

"You think I don't see  what you and Roan are doing?" He asserted. He tried to catch up with  Clarke, keeping his eyes on the Rover. "He called you Princess, I call  you princess. I could fucking kill him."

"Bell we're  friends. That's it." And that's all you and Roan were; friends. But you  had to admit to yourself, seeing Bellamy like this: jaw clenched,  knuckles white from holding the steering wheel so hard, biting lips. It  turned you on. Even more so since you were still in a fight.

He  licked his lips ferociously and looked at you. His freckled face made  you smile sadistically. You had an idea. The timing was bad to do this,  but you couldn't resist. "What makes you think that I would ever be  Roan's Princess, it's just a nickname." He was silent for a few seconds,  searching for Clarke, he was about to go up a hill, you hopped Roan  would be okay.

"I never said you were his-" You pretended as if you didn't hear him, after all, it was a little under a whisper.
"You  know someone had asked me if we were a thing. You know, me and Roan"  You bit your lip and hummed. "Hmmm, maybe it was Echo. She said to me 'I  bet Roan would love to have you under him'," you jumped over the hill,  cutting you off. "and now I'm thinking that's not so ba-"
You saw Clarke's Rover zoom over the landscape and Roan quickly yelled to Bellamy.

"Get  me closer!" And as soon as he was close enough, he jumped onto the car  and began fighting the grounder. So Bellamy sped over to the beige car.
"If  you don't shut the fuck up Y/N, you have no idea what I'll do to you."  You smiled grabbing the gun from your belt and aiming it for the  grounder in the car, next to Clarke. With Bellamy speeding in front of  the car and your attention still on Clarke and the grounder, you spoke  again.
"How cute, Bellamy thinks he actually has power over me."
He chuckled sadistically, before cutting the act with you.
"Y/N  SHOOT NOW," He yelled, and as soon as you saw the grounder in range for  you to shoot without hurting Clarke you shot him right in the head. You  were a good shot, you got him.

And as soon as you did that, with  the car stopped, he launched forward in the passenger seat, no  disregard that Clarke was coming straight for the rover. One of his  hands was holding the far side of the seat while the other pinned down  your neck.

Although the action seemed violent, he was so gentle, he gave a squeeze, but nothing hard, it felt good.

"You're  mine," He breathed out. "And I don't fucking share." Your head moved to  the side to see if they were looking but he grabbed your chin and  forced it to look at you.

"Keep your eyes on me," He  sternly ordered. "You have no idea what you do to me, so if you as look  at someone else the way I don't want you to," He breathed onto your face  "You'll have to answer to me." He let go of you hopping out of the car  leaving you speechless. Clarke looked at you in the car, giving you a  little wink and then giving Bellamy a surprised look.

"Nevermind," Roan laughed "Don't make Bellamy mad, he's a true warrior."


author: thehundrd

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