The Hot Guy At The Club Part 2.

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You give the wooden door three knocks, hoping Bellamy's not at  Octavia's right now. After your previous encounter, you had to pretend  you had never seen him in your life. O is still oblivious to the tension  between her best friend and her brother.

The door swings open to  Bellamy, bare chested as he leans against the doorframe. "Oh, hi." He  mumbles, stepping aside to let you enter, "She's just in the shower."

"Oh,  okay." You nod, feeling the tension that automatically settles in the  stubborn silence. You can't help but remember the night you shared with  him, you mind fills with the sight of his bare chest and breathy moans  when your hands had gripped his hair. It seems so long ago, though in  reality it had only been two days. "W-When do you go back to college?"

"Eager to get rid of me, I see." He smiles, avoiding your wide eyes.

"What? No, no, I would like it if you stayed but... I just thought I'd make conversation..." You shrug, swallowing the awkward lump thats formed in your throat. He smiles when he looks up at your red cheeks.

"I  actually finished so we might be seeing a lot more of each other." He  nods, hoping you don't feel too awkward about the situation at hand.  "Not that we haven't already seen a lot of each other..." His eyes widen  at his own comment and you stifle back a laugh, "That's not what I  meant! I just meant that we've seen each other for the past couple of  days and..."

You nod, looking up at him from your seat on the kitchen bench, "I know."

Bellamy's  not sure what it is but he feels like he can't keep his eyes off of you  everytime you smile - which is quite often. He loves it. "Y/N," He states, remembering that the last thing he had called you was 'baby girl'. "I was wondering if we could talk abo-"

"Okay,  okay! I'm done, we can leave." The youngest sibling lets out a chuckle,  hairbrush in her hands as she untangles the ends of her extremely long  hair. You give her a smile, jumping off of the bench and standing before  Bellamy.

"Are you coming?" You ask, regretting your words as  soon as they fall from your mouth. He isn't even dressed to go to a  diner. Plus, it's a friend get together, he probably won't know anyone  there. And what if he has other plans?

Octavia shakes her head sadly, sending Bellamy into a frenzy. "No, he said he doesn't feel up for-"

"Actually,  sure. I'll drive." Bellamy interrupts, rushing to his temporary room in  O's apartment quickly. You let out a quiet laugh as Octavia frowns in  amusement. What made Bellamy's mind change so quickly?

Once  he gets dressed in denim jeans and a fitted shirt, Bellamy grabs his  keys and his phone and opens the front door for you. Though you still  feel awkward, maybe dinner tonight with all your friends will be better  than your other encounters with him.

In the car, his brown eyes  kept shifting towards your spot in the backseat and one time when you  caught him he quickly turned away, choking on the air in his own lungs.  You can't help but smile to yourself as you sit at the diner, your  friends surrounding the booth with chatter and laughter.

"...So, I'm standing there watching this absolute idiot in  the hallway trying to explain himself to our English Professor and he  didn't even realise his pants were still down." Bellamy finishes another  one of his crazy college anecdotes, making the group laugh.

Though  he's never met his sisters friends before, they seem to click and you  start to think Bellamy just has a way with people. The conversation  continues on but the boy sitting beside you looks down at you, his lips  turning up in a smile, "You look good when you smile." He admits, making  you smile even more when his warm hand finds its way to your knee.

"You  look good all the time." You joke back, confidence surging through you  but you feel your heart speeding up at his touch. It's so unlike the  other times his hands have been on you, it feels sweet and innocent. As  you place your hand on top of his and smile, you hope there are many  more touches like this.


author: octavia-marie-blake

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