Chapter 6

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“I really cannot dance with heels Yoongi,” Krisssy blurted out.

“It is not like you could dance even better in your ballerina flats when you danced as Juliet.”

“You are so salty, Oppa.”

“Don’t ever worry, I got you. Just keep to my rhythm and we’d be fine.” Yoongi assured her.

“I don’t know. I just feel really unstable .. I -”

Kristene lost her balance at that point.
She cursed at herself for dancing. She should have known better about herself.

Min Yoongi quickly bent and put one arm under her waist and turned her around in a semi circle before pulling her up.

“I am impressive, am I not?” Yoongi smirked again. Their faces were so close and Kristene felt her cheeks burning.

“Well, you almost let me fall because you did not listen to me,” Kristene said as she pouted.

“That would be the second time you fell for me then, Miss Andrews. If I had given up back then, you would not have been here with me.”

“You are so cheesy today, Min Yoongi.”

Yoongi and Kristene danced to the slow beats all that night and when the DJ resumed, they got away from the dance floor.

“What do we do now? I am just too bored to dance all the night. I mean, like ... it is just the day we officially became a couple, so shouldn’t we be doing a couple activity?”

“I am all ears for suggestions,” Kristene said as she wondered where he was going with this line.

“Let’s go out. We should have some couple time now.”

The couple bid farewell to all at the prom after having a group picture. Even though they implored the two to stay, Yoongi was insisting on leaving. So the boys began coughing and Jimin said,

“Oh, go on hyung. Just be careful, she seems to be V.”

“Yah, I am V! How can she be V when I am here?” Tae yelled at Jimin.

“Well, in that sense, you are V too.” Hobi playfully hit Tae on the back.

“You are such a bunch of perverts and my innocent mind cannot comprehend why I am friends with you. I am off. This whole place is now perverted.” Tae pushed Hobi away who ran after him. It was only Hobi who could cheer Tae up and the group knew that vey well.

“Remember, this is serious okay? Now you are all grown up, but you have to be responsible,” Namjoon stressed the words like a father giving Kristene in marriage to Yoongi. She wondered if her dad who left her behind would have spoken like Joonie Oppa.

“Yoongi-ah, did you hear what my Oppa said?” Kristene blinked at Yoongi. “Be careful.” Teasing Yoongi was fun.

“What the hell is wrong with you guys! I am just taking her out and you little pieces of junk think that ... Aiiish, I am not like that.”

Jin who held Mandy by her waist gave a thumbs up to Yoongi.

Jungkook did not look at Krissy, yet Soo winked at her and if looks could punch people in the gut, Kris' would have punched Soo. Yet, Soo was really cheering on YoonKris so, Kristene could not blame her.

“We are leaving now. BYE, you morons!” Yoongi yelled as he dragged Kristene away from the prom.

Yoongi finally exhaled a long breath after sitting in the car. He could not stand being teased. True that he was not fluffy in his life, but since Kristene confessed to him, it was all flowers and hearts for him.

“Where do you want to go, princess?” Yoongi asked Krissy breaking the ice.

“I don’t know. You suggested having ‘couple time’ and I have no idea.”

“Okay, I know where to go. And since you are over 18 and soon to be 19, this would be fine.” Yoongi chuckled.

“Whatever you say, let’s go,” Kristene urged. “You have to sleep before midnight okay? So hurry up.”

Yoongi smiled as he hit the gas and started driving. Kristene was leaned on the window and she could see how the random rays of moonlight coloured Yoongi’s skin in gold. He was truly unreal and she wondered for the nth time why such a Moon Prince would love a chocolate chip cookie like herself. She let out a sigh.

“Stop staring at me Kristene. You see me everyday,” Min Yoongi started his teasing.

He looked in the front mirror and ran his fingers through his hair.

“So fluffy ... ” Kristene breathed the word and earned a giggle from Yoongi.

“You are so unpredictable. Such a cutie that makes me smile about weird things. But stop staring like you have never seen me before.”

“I stare because you are handsome. You are not only good in qualities, but also in looks. It is your fault, Min Yoongi.”

Kristene faced him and pouted. Yoongi smiled and parked the car.

“These pouty lips are so demanding. Let’s see how demanding they can be.” Yoongi held Kristene’s face by her chin and stroked her lips.

Butterflies were having a ballet in Kristene’s stomach and she gulped. Could it be that Soo’s predictions were actually coming true?

Yoongi chuckled again. “We are here. Help me out with unpacking.”

“Unpacking what? ... wait, did we run away?”

“Yeah, we ran away for a night and tonight you are just mine and I do not give a damn about the world.”

“W-what a-a-are you s-saying?” Kristene was taken aback. Teasing is a different story, reality is another.

Hold your horses, Min Yoongi.

Yoongi got out of the car and started unloading the stuff that were in the trunk. Kristene also went to help him.

As she was helping, Yoongi noticed that Kristene was standing still showing no movement.

“What is wrong? Gwenchana?” Yoongi was really concerned if she was okay. It was a long day anyway. She must have been tired  too.

“Oppa ... what is this?” Kristene asked in shock as she turned to face him.

“Why did you bring this?” She asked.

Yoongi was speechless.



Ever wondered why I used 3rd person narration? In Unsung Melodies, I used first person. Remember???

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