Chapter 49

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Min Yoongi hangs around me so much!

My girl instincts tell me that he is upto no good at all.

His eyes are shining so playfully that you would want to cuddle him, but again, his thick lashes and irises would tell you otherwise.

I remind myself. Now, no dark thoughts about him.

“Tomorrow is the big day, Kristene.”

Yoongi snakes his arm around my waist as we sit on the couch. Though we have not been all touchy-touchy, he seems to be deeply inclined to be touchy-touchy.

I bite my bottom lip. That. Everytime he does that I get an ocean of goosebumps on my skin and I am ashamed that I have let myself to be under  his spell.

Do not get me wrong, I won’t let him be the dom.

“You are really out of this world, girl. Your colour is changing as well.”

“What colour?”

“A colour that I have not seen before.”

“You mean to tell me that I discover new colours?”

“I actually did not think that there were undefined colours, but there are numerous unidentified chemical elements and they are still being discovered.”

“I am impressed, Min Yoongi. You have payed attention in the science classes.”

He smirks. “ Do you want me to snap a picture of you or would you rather tell me what was crossing your mind?”

“Yaah Min Yoongi! Do not even try.”

“Your colour just makes me uncomfortable for real. I am scared.”

“It i not like I would turn into a vampire and drink your blood.” I roll my eyes.

“Even so, don’t you consider it to be provocative?”

“As in?”

Yoongi licks his lips. “Provocative with a capital P.”

“Now you are the person getting nasty thoughts, Yoongi-ah.”

“Ohoo really?  That means that you just had bad thoughts about  me too.”

Wow. I am caught red handed.

“Why? We are getting married in less than 24 hours and cannot I think of my husband like that?”

“You have thought so far ... ”

“Well, yeah. I just cannot believe that we are getting married still. Seems it was just yesterday you and I met at the benches when I returned to the school again.”

“At least we are now in an age to marry and actually, tell me. Did you even envision further .. like further ...”

“Further??” Now what does he want?

“You know .. having babies?”

I gasp. Damn.

“You are so perverse!”

“How can that be perverse when as you said, that we are getting married tomorrow? I have a right to worry about my future kids actually. I am their father.”

“You used plural. How many do you want?”

“Let me count.” Yoongi starts counting. “One for Monday, another for Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday for each day... and ...”

“Two more for the weekend, I guess?”

“Brilliant Kristene! You learn so fast!”

“Be honest. You want an army of kids?!”

“Would be nice you know?”

“I don’t think I can handle that much actually. I am not that fit.”

“Krissy ...” Yoongi’s eyes turned suddenly really soft. “Even though we have one or none, it does not really matter to me. I have you and both of us have had bad childhoods, broken households. It is just our responsibility to look after our kids well and give them the love and understanding they really want.”

“I would never stop wondering how lucky I am to be your wife, Yoongi-ssi.”

“Aigoo, baby. Ooljima. Don’t cry. If you wonder once, I am wondering thousand times every day. I am such a lucky guy and I am so darn proud to hold a girl who has been through hell and still survived and smiles like a freshly blossomed sprig of lilacs.”

“You are so cheesy. Take responsibility, Min Yoongi... you made me fall for you so much.”

“I take the full blame. I actually wanted to make you fall for me. I was that brat who liked you since I laid my eyes on you since we were in middle school.”

“Idiot. You messed with me so much.”


Narrator's POV

The night was calm and lovely and though we shared a room at the hotel, Yoongi still slept on the sofa in his master bedroom. He really did not want to get things started before the call, he also knew that Kristene needed some time to adjust. He was so understanding.


Kristene's POV

Yoongi was snoring. It was not really snoring – more like purring.

I tried to sleep, but insomnia had got hold of me. I could not actually get away with the fact that Donghan used me so much and I just submitted myself to him because I wanted to save him too. The shivers ran across my body and I felt as if a monster was running its fingers on my, not to leave a part unscathed. I cannot sleep.

I wrap the blanket around me and make way to the sofa and poke Yoongi on his arm.

“Yoongi-ah ...?”

Yoongi shook a bit and fluttered his eyes open.

“You are not asleep yet?” He asked sleepily.

“I cannot sleep.”

He searched my eyes for a moment and smiled. “Arasso. I will take care of you.”

That was the best part about Yoongi. He would understand even the little things about me and I did not have to explain.

“Would you fit beside me, Krissy?”

“I don’t know. Mollayo.”

“Who cares. Just come here.”

Yoongi wraps himself around the blanket roll of myself and goes to bed.

“We will get through this, I promise and whenever you have any worry ... I am just one heartbeat away. Now sleep Princess. We have a long day tomorrow.”

Yoongi kisses my forehead and pats my head.

It feels really homely with him. As if I am invincible and I do not have any worries.

I feel happy.

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