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Fergal's POV

"So, what do you think about this onesie?"

Becky asked as she was showing me all the baby clothes that her and Charlotte just bought.

"Becks, it's adorable baby."

I smiled as I looked at the little pink onesie."

"I love you."

Becky said with a smile as she kissed me. In the middle of our kiss, we heard the front door open and slam. We looked over to see an out-of-breath Pam holding Mia close to her chest.

"What's wrong?"

I asked her.

"Someone just tried to break into the guest house."

She said as she started to cry.

"Shhh, don't cry. Come here."

I said as Becky took Mia and I hugged Pam.

"It was so scary. I was trying to change Mia and I heard the glass shatter and then there was some guy I've never met standing in my room. I rushed out the back door but it was so scary Fergal."

Pam sobbed into my shirt.

"It's okay. You're safe over here."

I said as I kissed the top of her head.

"Are you hungry? I can cook you something."

I asked her as she sat down.

"Wait, I have more to show you."

Becky whined.

"Becks, I think this is a little more important then some onesies and baby bottles."

I said as I grabbed a clean bottle to make Mia a bottle.


Becky said as she rolled her eyes.

"I'll make you some breakfast."

I said as I smiled at Pam. She nodded as she took Mia from Becky's arms and started rocking her back and forth. It honestly warmed my heart. She was always good with the kids when they were babies. And I'm just happy to have them back where they belong.

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