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2 Weeks Later | Pam's POV

"I missed you so damn much. You're so much better then Becky."

Fergal said as he kissed my neck. We've still been messing around everyday for the last 2 weeks. I smiled as I pulled Fergal's head up and kissed him.

"Wanna take this to the bedroom?"

I asked Fergal. I giggled as I wrapped my legs around Fergal's waist and he carried me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed and began stripping himself down when I felt my stomach turn.

Recently, I've been getting sick a lot. I figured it was from something I ate and nothing else. Fergal began removing his clothes and I felt myself just get sick. Not because of him, but because my stomach wasn't agreeing with me.

"I'll be back."

I said as I covered my mouth and rushed into the bathroom. I began spilling my guts out into the toilet as Fergal pulled my hair back for me.

"Are you okay?"

Fergal asked as I got up and wiped my mouth.

"Yeah. I don't think I'm up for it today. Sorry."

I said as I sat on the bathroom counter.

"Don't be sorry. I hope you feel better. I'm just gonna make sure Mia is still asleep and I'll head over to the other house."

Fergal said as he kissed the top of my head. I gave him a weak smile as he walked out of the bathroom. Once I heard the front door shut, I rinsed my face off with some cold water and laid down in bed.

But something was sticking out in the back of my head. I know it's borderline impossible...but what if I'm pregnant. I took a deep breath as I ordered some pregnancy tests. Couldn't hurt to take them, right?


They're all positive.


I whispered to myself as I looked down at the pregnancy tests. I couldn't stay here. I just can't. I loaded up as much of Mia and I's clothes into a duffel bag, some blankets, and put her into her car seat.

Once I grabbed everything, I walked out of the house and began walking down the road. I couldn't stay with Fergal and Becky if I'm pregnant with Fergal's kids. Becky would kill both of us.

So, once again, I am homeless. I found somewhere to sleep for the night and laid all of Mia and I's stuff down. I wrapped her up in a blanket and held her tight as we fell asleep.

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