trying to ruin someones happiness

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Pam's POV

"Get your butt Pamela! It's time to get married!"

I heard Sasha and Mella yell as they jump on the hotel bed. I smiled as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm gonna be Mrs. Aaron Solow today!"

I said with a smile.

"Yes, now get up and let's get you ready!"

Sasha cheered as she pulled me out of bed.


I smiled as I continued doing my makeup at the vanity. Sasha and Mella has matching blue dresses for today even if we were just going up to the courthouse to get married. The girls just finished getting ready when a knock came from the door.

"Uh, Pam?"

Sasha asked.


I asked, not looking away from the vanity.

"You have a visitor."

"Well send them in."

I said, still not looking at who's there. I heard someone come in as the girls leave the room.


I heard a voice ask. The voice that made me sick to my stomach.

"What the hell do you want Fergal?"

I snapped at him.

"There's something I need to show you. It's about Aaron."

"Of course it is. You know, what's it gonna take for you to except that we're over and that I love Aaron? Why are you always so jealous of Aaron? You have the kids, the house, the job he's always wanted. What does he have that you don't?"

"He has you."

Fergal said.

"Well you gave up on me. On us. I just wanted to keep Ava but you left me. And you didn't come when I was in the hospital. You lost your chance a hell of a long time ago."

I said as I put the finishing touches on my makeup and smoothed out my dress.

"Pam, please just look at these pictures of Aaron from the bar last-"

"No Fergal. I don't trust you. You could've manipulated those photos anyway you like. If something fishy happened last night, Sami or Cass would've told me. Now if you excuse me, I'm getting married."

I said as I grabbed my jacket and walked past him and out of the hotel room,

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