rage and sadness

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Pam's POV

I wiped my tears as I curled up next to Fergal on the couch. I felt like I couldn't cry anymore tears. I just had none left it me.

"Hey Fergie?"

I asked as I laid my head on his side.

"Yeah babe?"

"Is Julianna coming over this weekend? Cause, I'm sorry but I don't know if I can handle a crying baby this weekend."

I said as I bit my lip.

"It's understandable. Let me call Becks. She'll understand."

Fergal said as he dialed Becky's number and put it on speaker phone.


Becky asked as she answered.

"Hey. I know I'm suppose to take Julianna this weekend but something happened and the whole family is just really upset. Do you mind keeping her with you for the next couple weekends?"

Fergal asked.

"Are you kidding me Fergal?! Are you really going to turn into a fucking deadbeat dad?! Julianna needs her dad and where are you? You're with fucking Pam doing god knows what and not being there for your daughter!"

Becky yelled. I could tell by Fergal's face that he's more than upset. He's angry.

"Becky you don't know the circumstances right now and-"

"I don't care Fergal. You won't be seeing Julianna anymore. I'll raise her myself."

Becky said as she hung up. All of a sudden Fergal through the phone to the ground.


I whimpered, not knowing what this anger was going to cause.

"Who the fuck does she think she is?! I'm a deadbeat?! I'm sorry that I have an upset girlfriend cause her kids just died!"

Fergal said. That when he slammed his fist into the wall.

"Fergal! Stop!"

I yelled as I grabbed his hand that just went through the wall.

"It's fine."

"You're not Fine."

I said as I examined his hand.

"I'm taking her to court Pam. I'm getting custody of Julianna."

Fergal said as I looked up at him.

"Whatever you want baby."

I said as I kissed him.

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