fight me over nothing

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Pam's POV

"Oh my god, leave me alone about it! It's not worth fighting me over!"

I yelled to Fergal as I walked down the stairs. I guess when Fergal told me that it was okay with Aaron spending time with Ava, he lied. Cause now he wants to fight me about it.

"How is it not worth fighting over?! You let your daughter go off with that psycho!"

"It's her Dad!"

"Who has a past of beating women! You out of all people should know about that."

Fergal said as he got in my face.

"Don't you fucking bring that up!"

I yelled in his face as I pushed him onto the couch.

"Why not?! It could happen to our daughter when she's with that psychopath!"

"You mean my daughter! Besides, you're not a fucking angel so shut the fuck up."

I spat in his face. Before Fergal could say anything back, the door opened and we heard someone run down the hall.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Ava yelled as she ran into my arms with a huge smile on her face.

"Daddy took me to get ice cream and we went to the park and he bought me a new Barbie and we watched movies all day!"

Ava cheered as I smiled.

"Did you have fun with Daddy?"

I asked her as Aaron walked into the living room.

"Yes! Thank you Daddy."

Ava said to Aaron.

"Of course pumpkin. Can I talk to Mommy alone real quick?"

Aaron asked. I nodded as I put Ava down and she ran off to her room.

"Listen Pam, I don't want Ava around him."

Aaron whispered as he glanced at Fergal.

"Aaron, I love him. I don't want to let him go just because of the kids."

I whispered back.

"Fine. I'll do what I have to do then."

Aaron said as he walked away and out of the house. I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. I'm just tired of fighting and everyone telling me who the hell to love.

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