the wrong message

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I sighed as I looked over at Pam and Aaron. The tension in the room is so bad that you could cut it with a knife. I can't stand watching these two but Pam wasn't leaving anytime soon.

I looked down at Pam's hand and saw her engagement ring. To be honest, it's definitely not as big as any of the ones I've bought her. I just wish I'm the one marrying her. But that's obviously not happening.

I looked away until I heard hyperventilating next to me. I looked up to see Pam race down the hallway as Aaron stayed in his seat.

"Aren't you gonna go after her?"

I asked Aaron.

"No. She's fine."

Aaron said. I rolled my eyes as I got up and followed Pam to where she was sitting. I bent down in front of her and moved her hands from her face.

"Get away from me."

Pam yelled.

"Not until you calm down. Take a deep breath before you have a panic attack."

I said as I tucked a piece of her orange hair behind her ear. She really should dye it back to brown. She looked so much more beautiful with brown hair; if it's even possible for her to look more beautiful.

"I'm such a bad Mom. My kids probably hate me. I haven't seen them in so long. They probably hate me."

Pam cried. It broke my heart to hear her think that her kids could hate her. All they do is talk about how much they love and miss their Mummy.

"They love you so much Pam. You have no idea. I know the court won't let you see them but maybe we can fix that."

I said.

"You'd do that for me?"

She asked as she looked up at my with the big brown eyes that make my heart melt.

"Of course I would."

"Thank you."

She whispered as she hugged me. She sat back down on the ground as I looked at her tear-stained face. I felt myself just move closer to her lips before she pulled away.

"Wow. You know I'm with Aaron and you're still trying to pull a move on me. I can't believe you. You must just think that I'm something you could take advantage of."

Pam said as she stormed off. I sighed as I watched her leave. Now I fucked up even more.

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