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I woke up to my phone ringing beside me. I rubbed my tired eyes as I picked up.


I asked groggily.

"Two broken hands, a broken arm, internal bleeding, miscarriage, broken nose, eyes swollen shut, missing teeth, broken jaw, stab wound to the stomach...should I keep going Fergal?"

I heard Sasha asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"That's not even half the injuries Pam suffered. Aaron tortured her for 12 hours Fergal. He killed Carter. All because you didn't fucking save her. Sami and I are heading down to San Jose but I don't fucking think you should come."

Sasha said as she hung up. My phone fell out of my hand and to the floor as tears filled my eyes. I could've prevented all of this from happening if I wasn't so damn stubborn.

I grabbed some clothes and quickly threw them into a bag. I needed to go to Pam. I needed to go and get on my hands and knees and apologize to her.

That is, if she's even alive right now.

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